All quiet on the Osprey front. Mistle started gently food soliciting, then quiet, then stood up to reveal.........

,, what appeared to be a half eaten rainbow trout! No doubt Scylla will be able to get a much sharper image than me. All this happened about 5:45.  It was as stiff as a board. When was that delivered?

Afrer faffing around getting images 1 of them has come back to the nest and is incubating - can't tell which. 

Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • Methinks Scylla is taking a well earned nap - either that or she is still suffering from 'being assaulted on all fronts'. I have no idea how many fronts Scylla has, but can only imagine the pain.

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • I have had to record my test match and put it on pause whilst trying to sort out the comings and goings. What sacrifices I make for this nest!!!

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • FOR EVERYONE'S INFO: Valerie in live chat is suggesting that it was always Mistle on the nest and it was AX6 thgat was divebombing and attacking her. I have never needed Scylla as much as I need her now to do her Sherlock Holmes magic and unravel the mystery! Axel continually divebombing Mistle? Really????

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • How do you get to the live chat
  • MFNCaroleBaskin said:
    How do you get to the live chat

    Go to the live stream on YouTube and it's (1) on the right side if you have default cam view, or (2) below the cam on the right in you have "theatre mode".

    Well, CRINGER, sorry about that - I was killing myself doing Clywedog's early morning and had to take a meal break, and now I was doing to take a nap - but I'll have a look and hope you don't end up disappointed.

  • MFNCaroleBaskin said:
    How do you get to the live chat


    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • MFNCaroleBaskin said:
    How do you get to the live chat

    Don't be worried if you click on the link and see a green screen - it has gone offline at the moment!

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • OMG - look what the cam's been doing - and still is!  That's what the Goshawk's been like and I've had to switch it off.  Dang 4G.

  • scylla said:

    Well, CRINGER, sorry about that - I was killing myself doing Clywedog's early morning and had to take a meal break, and now I was doing to take a nap - but I'll have a look and hope you don't end up disappointed.

    No need for apologies. Very strange how alone I feel when you are not at hand! Yiu never disappoint Scylla because whatever the outcoime I know you try yourbest - which is usually ABSOLUTELY BRILLAINT!

    The consensus now on live chat appears to be that the initial attack was by Mistle on Axel by pushing him off the nest and then he retaliated by constantly divebombing her! Never known that with 1 'supposed pair' of Ospreys! 1 trying to exert dominance over the other if that's what the evidence shows! ......... So will he continue to bring her fishy after attacking her? If it was him attacking Mistle perhaps he needs a little while to chill.

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • CRinger said:
    The consensus now on live chat appears to be that the initial attack was by Mistle on Axel by pushing him off the nest and then he retaliated by constantly divebombing her! Never known that with 1 'supposed pair' of Ospreys! 1 trying to exert dominance over the other if that's what the evidence shows! ......... So will he continue to bring her fishy after attacking her? If it was him attacking Mistle perhaps he needs a little while to chill.

    Yes I'd agree - but we have had a previous incident a few days ago of mistaken identity by both of them on the other. It was an alarming few minutes of activity - both chipping and squeaking and divebombing by Axel.  Never seen that before amongst an established pair. Should've gone to specsavers.

    Axel was incubating at 13.08 and chipped when a bird came to the old cam post. That bird then flew to the nest, quite OK, no aggro, as it was Mistle but then she squeaks at him and he flies off in alarm, and that was the start of all the hoo-ha.