Link to May 2022

Webcam page with links to LotL Visitor Centre and Wildlife Reserve FB, Twitter and Blogs >>>


The Osprey Protection Programme at Loch of the Lowes is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes


Just as we had hoped, the middle of May proved to be a wonderful time with three successful hatches. Laddie, with his prolific fishing skills, is providing extremely well for his family and NC0’s attentive feeding for all three Osplets, is an absolute joy to watch! Let's hope everything continues to go well.

Nest Updates

Arrival dates:  Laddie - 13.3.22 (c12:00)   NC0 - 23.3.22 (18:14)

Three eggs laid:  Egg #1 - 12.4.22 (18:34)   Egg #2 - 15.4.22 (16:05)   Egg #3 - 18.4.22 (12:14)

Hatch dates:  Chick #1 - 19.5.22 (10:26) - 37 days   Chick #2 - 21.5.22 (03:24) - 36 days   Chick #3 - 23.5.22 (19:46) - 35 days

15.6.22:  At 23 days old, chick #3 passed away Broken heart 

27.6.22: Our osprey chicks have been ringed!  Chick #1 - LP8   Chick #2 - LR0  (Genders not determined)


June Blogs and Updates:

Links to blogs and updates during March/April and May

2.6.22: Blog (which includes historic LotL info) >>> Free Week-End at Loch of the Lowes 4th & 5th June

6.6.22: Blog >>> Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes – Week 9

10.6.22: Blog >>> What’s on the Menu? Osprey diets at Loch of the Lowes

15.6.22: Blog >>> Sad news from the nest

24.6.22: Blog >>> It won’t be long until the ospreys start to fledge

28.6.22: Blog >>> Our osprey chicks have been ringed!

  • Glider said:


    We had been planning to go up for a couple of days during the 2020 season, Glider (I checked out places to stay after the 2019 season ended) but, due to lockdown, those plans were scuppered! I'm determined to visit this wonderful area at some point in time though...whenever that may be! lol

  • Fantastic Sandra, you’ll definitely enjoy it.
  • Glider said:

    Your photos are amazing Karen, seeing Laddie below in a tree to the side of the nest. I wonder if it is the tree Sandra has spotted him going to a few times, to our right of the nest? 


    That's a good possibility, Glider! Laddie's been diving from that area, maybe from the trees in the centre of Karen's pic as they look taller? It's great to see another perspective in relation to the nest.

  • It certainly is Sandra. Blush
    Is that 6 hours passed and no fish?!! Laddie must’ve thought he’d do his chores quickly this morning so he could enjoy the nice weather sitting in that tree! Haha Smile
  • Looking back at the last feed this morning, I see #3’s body seems to have darkened more overnight! The head is developing an interesting pattern, like the curtains I used to draw at the windows of a house when I was a wee girl! Smile  Also, I see #1’s head looking a bit more rusty in colour and #2 developing its own look too. 

  • Glider said:
    It certainly is Sandra.
    Is that 6 hours passed and no fish?!! Laddie must’ve thought he’d do his chores quickly this morning so he could enjoy the nice weather sitting in that tree! Haha

    He was back to work at 12:55 - fish delivery! lol

    NC0 collecting the fish

    Laddie off the nest, veering right and out of cam view

    #3 had the first couple of bites then NC0 moved her position


  • Sandra: I really do hope you manage to visit the Lowes for just as Glider says the surrounding area is stunning with lots of beautiful walks and you will love it. And who knows you may even bump into some of us “day visitors” lol
  • Oh I would love to do both, Karen! lol
  • During the feed, and while NC0 was finishing off, Laddie arrived with a 'live' fish at 13:17ish. Cam zoomed in

    He took it away


  • Cam stayed zoomed in when the feed was over

    L-R #2, #1, #3
