LOCH GARTEN - May 2022

AX6 Axel and his lovely unringed partner Mistle are bonding well, and Mistle has been threatening to lay an egg - we await developments.

It seems that Mistle has been on the perch & nest all night:

  • 11:20 in response to AXEL'S repeated food soliciting Mistle returns to the nest with a fish tail. After 3 minutes of her declining to release it he flies off while she continues to eat the tail on the nest rim.

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • 11:27 having disposed of the tail she settles to resume incubation.

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • 11:27 having disposed of the tail she settles to resume incubation.

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • Good morning.  Many thanks for the updates.  I take it there was a lack of fish yesterday, so it was good to see a decent sized delivery today..

    Although it is difficult to see anything until day break it certainly looks as tho Mistle does all the overnight incubating so it's not surprising she started calling at 04.57.  Axel appeared quite quickly, Mistle took flight, and Axel incubated.

    06.41  Mistle returned  They both called loudly as each other, but Axel didn't get up and she made no subtle attempts to get him to move.

    06.45  Mistle flew

    06.46  Mistle returned with a large stick.  Axel flew.  Axel incubated.

    07.11  The clouds were dropping - only the three high hills on the skyline were visible

    09.14  Raining heavily

    10.55 Mistle began fish soliciting

    10.56  Axel arrived with a decent sized headless fish.  Mistle thanked him, and talked to the fish before taking off with it.

    11.19  Mistle returned with the tail end, but refused to let it go despite Axel's attempts to retrieve it, and his complaints.  

    He began flossing which moved a few light light dead sticks.  He replaced one on the rim and looked on in astonishment as the light stick he carefully placed on the rim, fell over the edge and settled on the more stable sticks below.

    The stick moved as he flossed, and he put it back on the rim

    It rolled down the side and settled below


    Where did that go?

    A little embarrassed he wandered to the cup, and then back to the upright stick and had a go at that.  It's nearly the only really rigid stick on that side!  LOL

    11.22 Axel flew off.  Mistle finished the skinny tail end

    11.26 the tail end disappears

    and Mistle settles to incubate

    12.08 She looks around, rain drops are seen

    12.10  Axel lands on the far rim and Mistle calls loudly.  He ignores her, and tries to move a large stick which I'm pretty sure he didn't bring in with him.  It's got some awkward sticky sticks attached.  

    Mistle continues to moan.  The clouds have lifts a bit and the hills can be seen again.  Axel stands, looks, moves a stick or two 

    12.13  Axel flies off.

    A day of sunshine and showers and #1 fish


    13.35 Axel returns, Mistle leaves immediately.  He incubates

    13.39 Mistle returns with a stick.  She places it on the rim, moves it which then moves the loosely placed sticks.

    13.41 She gets in a pickle when moving a stick on the right side, trips over Axel, who gets up and flies.  She incubates and complains.

    14.05 She continues to complain (VERY) loudly, which is reciprocated in equal measure by Axel off cam to the right!!!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • SheilaFE said:

    10.56  Axel arrived with a decent sized headless fish.  Mistle thanked him, and talked to the fish before taking off with it.

    I missed the 'thanking  him' business. Very unusual for her.

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • No more fish, so only one today so far but he's doing his share of incubating. She's yelling for fish or get off the eggs, or both, who knows

  • 14.10 Mistle's calls rise and with that so she rises from the net and flies off

    14.11 With gentle chirrups Axel flies down and immediately incubates.

    14.15 Mistle returns and they have gentle exchanges.  Mistle starts to tidy up, moving sticks around the east rim, nattering all the while.  I wish I understood ospreyish!  She paddles around the back of the nest and comes across a misplaced large stick and puts it further back.  Then another stick, displacing another in the process.  Now on the north side, moving more sticks.

    14.18 She takes flight, leaving Axel incubating.

    14.21 Mistle returns with a boomerang.  That should stick into the body of the nest quite nicely.  Axel gets off the eggs

    14.22 Axel flies off passed the old nest.  Mistle incubates.

    15.24 Axel lands on the perch, and Mistle gives him a good telling off – go get fish.

    Mistle calls, Axel ignores

    15.26     Axel drops to the nest.  Another light shower in the air.  Mistle continue to yell, Axel takes in the scenery.

    15.29 Mistle backs away from the cup and up and away.  Axel incubates.

    15.37 Mistle returns.  They have an exchange!  Mistle moves the stick she brought in earlier, steps over Mistle to get to the rim, and steps on his feathers.  Axel stood his ground, but eventually gave in.  He stood up and she dives for the cup – still calling.

    15.40 Axel departs.  Mistle keeps an eye on him, but he is out of our sight.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Thank you for the wonderful reporting thru the day, SHEILA - I've checked up to "just now" and - no fish still.

    Must contribute something, so here was Mistle tripping or getting blow'd over with the long stick, and Axel "sheltered by" her wing:

    Here, she'd just seen a Magpie (can't be sure and the snaps are unrecognisable as a bird, even) flying down off the dead tree-tip top left - it made her go cross-eyed:

  • What a lovely capture, Scylla!
    OH is insisting on watching something I don't want to... how convenient!!
    Just before 19.23Axel landed on top of the dead tree on the right. It is raining, and Mistle looks soaking wet. She was quiet to begin with, just broke out into sporadic calls.
    19.30 Axel dived down in a swoop behind the nest, and disappeared. Although she is wet I think the rain has stopped.
    20.04 Mistle was up and checking the eggs, getting her beak into the bedding, and got her feathers tied up with the upright spike, before she settled again.
    20.14 Another shower.
    That's me for today. There is still time for a fish. The wind has eased, just need the rain to stop to make life easier for fishing.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/