LOCH GARTEN - May 2022

AX6 Axel and his lovely unringed partner Mistle are bonding well, and Mistle has been threatening to lay an egg - we await developments.

It seems that Mistle has been on the perch & nest all night:

  • Thank you Korky.
    Still no sig of Mistle. She is certainly making the most of Axel's monster!

    I'm going outside for a while

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • SheilaFE said:

    CRinger, I read with interest your account of SK.  I had heard of her before from Tiger, but one thing I could never understand (probably 'cause I'm thick) is why SK and SSK.  Was that a slip of the finger on the keyboard or was she given a different ring when the tag was fitted?

    As you may have guessed I have great admiration and respect for RD. But 1 of his strong points is not checking his typing. The chick was ringed Green SK without doubt. Then Roy posted a reference to Green SSK which I believe was a typo and duplicated the 'S'. I forgive him absolutely for the subsequent confusion!

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • Hazel b said:

    THe extra S was for Scottish.

    They decided to give each osprey  a  "name number" to distinguish the various tracked birds.

    See http://www.zen88810.zen.co.uk/ROspreys%20site/Satellite.htm

    You can always learn something new! Thanks AGAIN Tiger!!!

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • Very funny. She came back with a good portion of the the dish, but he was indecisive about taking it. Likely afraid he was going to get a peck on the head again. He left the fish on the nest.

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • It reminded me of the song, "Should I Stay or Should I Go?" by the Clash.

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • Axel back for the fish.

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • SheilaFE said:
    09:28 FISH!!  It was a large headless fish.  Well done Axel

    What a sight for sore eyes!

    What a long spell of egg duty for Axel!  He did get a bit restless.

  • I am still on catch up, but it's been a weird afternoon. She hasn't really settled.
    CC has already reported the return of the fish by Mistle at 13.10. Axel tried to take it but she pecked him on the head. He made another attempt, but was very tentative. Axel lifted up and I thought was going to leave, but he came down near the fish on the other side of Mistle. Mistle let go the fish and although Axel had a foot on the fish he didn't hold on to it, then he flew off. Mistle had a quizzical look at the fish before settling down to incubate
    13.19 Finally settled – but not for long. She appeared tempted by the fish! Standing up she kept looking at it.
    13.23 Down again, but looking over her shoulder to make sure the fish is still there!
    13.39 Axel returned. Landed on the fish, but didn't grasp it. Mistle was chatting and stood up as Axel began to eat it. He took off with the fish. Mistle looked somewhat miffed, before settling on the egg again.
    14.10 Mistle took off, leaving the egg unattended. She was seen flying in the skies beyond.
    14.20 Mistle returned after 10 minutes away, but took some minutes to settle to incubate
    14.55 Mistle suddenly got up, alarm called and lifted off the nest. No further calls.
    14.58 She returned to the perch with a brief call.
    15.06 Back down to the nest, halfway to incubating
    15.09 Finally settled.
    15.34 Mistle starts food soliciting. Stands up and calls.
    15.37 Mistle settles down on the egg again.
    14.02 Axel returns with the fish for another exchange. Mistle lifts off in the wind. Axel settles on the egg
    16.44 An osprey seen in the sky. Axel gets up, standing astride the egg and watches as it flies over and around. He doesn't call. Is it Mistle? Without a sound he flaps his wings, watches and stands.
    16.57 Axel moves towards the near side as Mistle returns to the nest. Axel looks uncomfortable. Mistle flaps at him – get of the nest. He leaves. What on earth is that all about. I don't think she brought any fish back. Poor Axel.
    16.59 Mistle is just standing on the nest, in the nest cup. I'm not sure where the egg is now.
    17.02 Mistle appears to be eating the remains of the fish, first in the cup and then on the side of the cup.

    17.28 Axel returnedMistle was still eating the fish near the rim.  I can't seen the egg which could be obscured by some nesting material.  Axel suddenly intruder chips, and Mistle tried to peck Axel off the nest!  He left.  She returned to the cup - Axel landed and again and mantled against an intruder who could be seen in the skies behind.  Mistle flapped Axel off. 

    17.33  Finally Mistle started to settle to incubate.  No sign of Axel or the intruder.

    17.51  Up to date I think.  I hope I haven't missed anything - it's so easy to do that.

    All so very weird.

    Where is the egg?

    The egg has often been left unincubated by Mistle. Indeed, Axel must have done the majority of the incubation today.

    She continued to eat the left over fish on the nest. I don't know whether I hold out much hope for it hatching at this rate, but at least it hasn't been wet. I don't know how long is considered 'safe' for the egg not to be incubated at this stage. Is she 'fidgety' because the second egg is on the way? Who knows. Time will tell, but today I think Axel comes up trumps with the gold star, not Mistle!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Delayed incubation is practiced by several types of bird, including Ospreys. Often full time incubation doesn't start till the 2nd or 3rd egg is laid.
    Peregrines don't start full time until the 3rd egg is laid.This means there is less of a gap between hatching.
    As long as it doesn't get too cold the egg can be left for a couple of hours.

    Richard B