LOCH GARTEN - May 2022

AX6 Axel and his lovely unringed partner Mistle are bonding well, and Mistle has been threatening to lay an egg - we await developments.

It seems that Mistle has been on the perch & nest all night:

  • Unknown said:

    CRinger said:
    I hope it was an Ardbeg or at least a single malt

    Sorry. I drank up all my Talisker two days ago and no longer buy my favorite Lagavulin. I cannot afford it at the rate I drink it, lol. So since it is cold and wet here, I defaulted to my old go to, Johnnie Walker.

    OMG! A lagavulin lover! Have you tried the 10  year old Ardbeg or (kneels down) the Uigeadfail????? For those on the board at Ardbeg who are Osprey lovers we are not providing free advertising and don't accept donarions but will (CC and) will provide our home addresses on request in case you have a free hamper or 2 at your disposal!

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • Catlady!
    Not sure how many daily summaries you have done.............but you get MY vote to do today's!
    I am not sure - and it will take others an AGE to find out -when was the last time 6 (yes SIX) fish were brought to this nest?
    Probably when there were at leat 2 or more young in the nest!
    Certainly not when the female was incubating!
    To make life easier ......... Fish 05:45 - 08:08 - 10:44 - 15:24 - 17:20 - 19:06

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • CRinger said:
    will (CC and) will provide our home addresses on request in case you have a free hamper or 2 at your disposal!

    Here here! (Or is it there there!) Oh dear.
    EDIT after interruption: Maybe Here AND There....OH she's back, the morsel gone... and so is he. 21.30

    HEY! Axel just brought a morsel of fish back to the missus Mistle! He's now on the nest...

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • HI all - what a great day, may there be many more like it.

    I've clips up to the 19:06 fish ready to go but there's been more activity since, will be back later.

    Thank you all for the snaps and comments!
  • Welcome to the party @scylla! I have had Ardbeg and like it very much, but clearly you and I will have to share a Uigeadfail or two, CRinger. When I make a visit to the UK.

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • My poison was Laphroaig, very far back in the day.  I'm a good girl now.

    G&T had to be Plymouth Gin, not a brand that would sell in the USA, I was told.

    So - the 21:25 was not a new fish?  Glad to hear it, because she wasn't gone more'n a very few minutes.


  • scylla said:
    My poison was Laphroaig, very far back in the day.

    So was mine. Cannot do it now, so I have migrated to less peaty scotches.
    Unless I am sitting outside with a cigar...not very ladylike.

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • [

    CRinger said:


    JaneV said:

    Well whatever they call her she will remain Mistle to me just as Seren remains Blue 5F.



    Jane I know exactly how you feel!!!!! Green SK or SSK will always be MY Osprey! No-one elses. Just mine.


    1. I will now explain why Green SK is 'mine'.

    Lots of reasons.

    1. I am terrified of heights. I get a nosebleed up a ladder. Roy D and I went out 1 evening (2002) to the nest and wanted to catch a chick. Roy had previously ringed her with a colour ring - Green SK. My kids were visiting me  -they were on holiday from school - and Roy put a fish in the nest with snares on. Green SK came back and Roy shouted we need to get her now! He put a ladder against the tree and looked at me! Being scared of heights is1 thing - but an Osprey at the other end we wanted to put a satellite tracker on was something else! I went up that tree! We brought the fledgling to the ground and my 12 year old daughter Hannah and I held it as Roy put on its backpack and transmitter. I leg each. The fledgling was trying to fly away.. Roy said 'whatever you do - don’t t go! You would NOT believe the strength and power of this young fledgling. Incredible! 10 minutes later Roy had done what he needed to do and we walked to an area that was clear of trees, let go and away she went - landing back on the nest to eat the bait we had put there.
    2. The reason why Roy wanted to put a sat transmitter on this chick was because we knew she had 1 parent that was Scandinavian and the other Scottish. So.............. is the information on what direction to fly on migration passed in the genes? If so - then Scottish birds fly almost directly due south to reach Africa. Scandinavian birds fly very much more South west to the same direction. What direction would Green SK fly in?
    3. We got our answer a few months later. Green SK flew half way between what you would expect a Scottish bird and a Scandinavian bird to fly at! To my mind genetics IS the answer BUT Roy had spotted she was flying against a strong easterly wind, which threw a little doubt on my conclusion. She flew (for a Scottish bird) WAY off course - way to the west of Spain. Remember these birds do not have waterproof feathers - they can't land on the sea like ducks can - if they do 20 minutes later they sink! Green SK flew over the sea getting further and further from land for about 36 hours. Then suddenly something happened. Instinct? I have no idea! But she suddenly turned due east and EVENTUALLY made it to the coast of Portugal where the signal was virtually static for a WEEK! She was obviously shattered. She found a tree to perch in and then started to fish again and HOPEFULLY put on weight.
    4. I left LG in 2004 and was VERY sorry to go. I got another job at Stirling (– again surprisingly related to Ospreys!) – about 200 km from LG. In about 3006 or 7 a Forestry commission warden came to me and said he had found what he thought was a new Osprey nest in the forest. He told me where it was and, of course, I went out that evening to look at it. There was a bird on the nest! I took at my scope. She had a leg ring. It was Green SK! She had followed me from LG where I had helped put a sat transmitter on her 200 km south to Stirling.
    5. Roy can give the impression of a gruff exterior. But inside he has a heart of gold. To allow 2 children to be there when we performed a delicate procedure on a wild bird and to be comfortable with 1 holding the bird is testament to his knowledge of the effect that such an experience can have on a child. Prior to this experience they had a passing interest in Ecology…………… now they both vote ‘Green’ in every election they can. BOTH my 2 children have since emigrated to Canada but I get an email from Han very year – DON’T FORGET TO TELL ME LATEST NEWS ABOUT GREEN SK!
    6. That’s why Green SK is MINE!

    Apologies for the length of the explanation.

    Happy 82nd birthday to Roy D this week!

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • CRinger, have NEVER done a daily update. Had to rely on videoclips and put notes on a notedpad on tablet, then copy and paste over, you gave me 15 minutes!!! This takes ages, don't know how the girlies manage these updates and all the video clips, hats of to you ladies, and men if you do them.

    Daily (very breif update)

    18.47  Mistle laid her 1st Egg and sat on nest all night

    04.49  Axel back, mated and away

    05.01  Mistle flies, Axel back and incubates for the first time

    05.04  Mistle back

    05.45  1st Fish

    08.08  2nd Fish

    10.44  3rd Fish

    15.24 4th Fish

    17.20  5th Fish

    19.06  6th Fish

    21.25  7th FIsh

    22.06  Mistle on nest

    After each delivery Axel incubated, sometimes not wanting to get off the eggs whilst Mistle screached at him.

    May have been more matings, relying on video clips to see.

    Sheila this is nowhere as good as yours but had a go anyway.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Lynn L said:

    CRinger, have NEVER done a daily update. Had to rely on videoclips and put notes on a notedpad on tablet, then copy and paste over, you gave me 15 minutes!!! This takes ages, don't know how the girlies manage these updates and all the video clips, hats of to you ladies, and men if you do them.

    Daily (very breif update)

    18.47  Mistle laid her 1st Egg and sat on nest all night

    04.49  Axel back, mated and away

    05.01  Mistle flies, Axel back and incubates for the first time

    05.04  Mistle back

    05.45  1st Fish

    08.08  2nd Fish

    10.44  3rd Fish

    15.24 4th Fish

    17.20  5th Fish

    19.06  6th Fish

    21.25  7th FIsh

    22.06  Mistle on nest

    After each delivery Axel incubated, sometimes not wanting to get off the eggs whilst Mistle screached at him.

    May have been more matings, relying on video clips to see.

    Sheila this is nowhere as good as yours but had a go anyway.


    THere was no way I could have done that after my Green SK post.


    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that.