LOCH GARTEN - May 2022

AX6 Axel and his lovely unringed partner Mistle are bonding well, and Mistle has been threatening to lay an egg - we await developments.

It seems that Mistle has been on the perch & nest all night:

  • Third fish from Axel, he has found a shoal of small brown trout by the looks of things.

  • ''YEGADS! Is that now THREE fish today and its not yet noon?''

    Ok OK C Ringer , my positive register is getting higher but the Jury is still out. I'll be glad to pardon the lad and do the grovelling bit to all you Ospreyholics

  • This is NOT a complaint - far from it - we all want to see many mornings just like this - but WHY has Axel now upped his game? The usual process is for the male to reduce fish supply from the number delivered in the bonding phase when egg laying commences. Axel's behaviour today exhibits a reversal of the usual trend.

    I wonder.............. is this 'decision' based on the fact that they had never bred before - he wasn't sure if she would lay - now he KNOWS she has laid, so is happy to fully commit himself to them as a pair?

    Who knows? Sorry, a rhetorical question - but all ideas welcome as to why he is bucking the trend of male Ospreys!

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • Is this nest late in the scheme of things, 3rd May for the first egg. Perhaps he has been uncertain of her, if only they could tell us.
  • 11.29 Mistle was up with a start looking down below the nest.

    Edit I think she can hear or sense something below the nest.  Hopefully not 2 or 4 legged.

  • There were two sharp taps which sounded as thoughthey came from the tree trunk. Could have also been gun fire.

    Smiles, Jan.

  • 12.10 Axel back for mating attempt.

    I'm doing my best Sheila but have to go out in a minute :)
  • "Ins and outs and Axel brings 2 FISH" - but I wonder if Mistle dropped the last one - either that or she's a very fast eater:

    Axel was in for another mating just now.

    Just going to check on the reported disturbance below the nest.

  • Jane V egg laying in early May happens at one or two sites most years - look at the arrivals pages for previous seasons on the UK Ospreys website. Some of them have got young through to fledging OK.
  • JaneV said:

    11.29 Mistle was up with a start looking down below the nest.

    Edit I think she can hear or sense something below the nest.  Hopefully not 2 or 4 legged.

    I hope the VC will have something to say about it.

    Yes, JANE, I think this nest is "late in the scheme of things" but only a little bit, and not a concern, in my inexpert opinion.

    I'm packing up now.  I know it's not momentous news but it feels polite to let y'all know so I try to do so - only sometimes haven't even the oomph left to type another word Stuck out tongue