LOCH GARTEN - May 2022

AX6 Axel and his lovely unringed partner Mistle are bonding well, and Mistle has been threatening to lay an egg - we await developments.

It seems that Mistle has been on the perch & nest all night:

  • 01 May

    Vicious talons!

    Chitchat.  Unfortunately, Mistle is behind a slight smudge:

    The fish/intruder episode:

    I'm not doing any more of the day, which SHEILA has covered so admirably Hugging 

    Goodnight, Mistle Purple heart

  • 02 May

    I haven't checked to see how long she's been there:

  • scylla said:
    I haven't checked to see how long she's been there:

    She was already there when it was light enough to see.  No sign of Axel yet, I hope he's fishing.

    What a rollercoaster this is.

  • Still no sign of Axel.  Mistle's on the perch preening:

  • Well, I've tuned in after a neglectful period, concerned to read Axel hasn't been seen since early afternoon yesterday. I will try to maintain high hopes for this pair. Thanks for all the updates folks
  • Thank you for the updates everyone, this nest seems to be a bit of a rollercoaster but maybe it is just "normal" for a new young pairing. Axel does seem to be a little tardy on the food front. I have to remember we only see the "front" view and he was certainly on the campost yesterday but out of our view so maybe he is around but....
  • So, Mistle isn't out of the wood. Didn't think so . I hope she absorbs any eggs
  • I'm starting to think that too Cirrus. Maybe Axel thinks she should have produced eggs by now and is having a change of mind. If that is possible, which I doubt.
  • There is a suggestion on the LG webcam site that Axel may have another nest and partner. It’s a shame though I was getting quite hopeful for this year.
  • Oh dear, after the last couple of days when they spent a lot of time together, what's going on?  A measly tail end yesterday 13.27 which was either dropped or downed very quickly, and no sign of him again.  What's going on.  Is he OK.  Does he actually have a second nest as someone alluded to some days ago.

    Not only were all the boxes started to be ticked, but I thought the couple of days of fish exchanging was the icing on the cake.

    Mistle has been alone on the nest since daybreak.  A feint white blob could be seen which materialised to Mistle as the light increased.  06.50 she called very briefly, perhaps as a prelude to her flying to ther perch at -654.

    Radio Chaffinch could be heard at 08.07 - it might have been there earlier, but I may have missed it as I skipped through, 5 secs at a time!

    08.22 who large black birds (crow, cormorants?) landed on the old tree to the left of the nest and Mistle flew over to see them off!

    She returned to the nest and pottered.  Geese could be heard flying noisily near by.

    08.32 she crept to the rim to look out

    09.58 she returned to the cup, more geese heard.  She nest cupped briefly and stayed there

    She hasn't moved since then - now 10.17.

    Still no sign of Axel.

    And as I type, Mistle has started to call.... briefly

    It is windy, so perhaps he is having a problem fishing??

    10.20  she is quiet again

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