Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 17 April 2022


I hope everyone who is celebrating a holiday and/or visiting with family this weekend has a wonderful, meaningful time.

Sorry I haven’t posted replies this week. I’m up to my ears in paperwork (figuring taxes, arguing with an insurance company, etc.). Sigh.

Take care all and stay safe.

  • A home without a cat is only a house.

    Home is where I can look ugly and enjoy it.

    We live in an age when pizza gets to your home before the police.

  • Good Morning. Brilliant quotes today, AQ!

    Think you've done right, going for 'sooner' rather than later on the teeth. You might have regretted putting it off. Incidentally, most of us here pay for our dental work as the system cleverly made it so that most dentists dropped their NHS work and went 'private'. It's very hard to get your teeth seen to on the NHS now - so bad that there have been reports of people pulling their own teeth out! Argh.

    I didn't say yesterday, but one of my temp crowns came off within hours, so I am clinging to the other one and wishing my life away until 5th May, now! <sigh>

    Off to attack the huge ironing basket, and put a plant into the garden which I bought yesterday at the supermarket.

    Have a good day, everyone.
  • LINDA - Contact your dentist immediately. Otherwise the new one won't fit.

  • Thanks, but it's OK, AQ - he said it might happen (he has to use a glue which means he can remove the temporary ones, rather than the strong glue which he uses for the permanent ones).

    No sun here today but cloudy skies. My OH at the allotment & busy. Our sons gave him birthday gift vouchers so he could enjoy a spend on stuff he needed to keep up the good work.
  • It was good to hear from OG. I'm hoping that the physios will be able to help with mobility and glad that nothing was broken. I think something similar happened a while back, foot damaged. It will not be a happy time for her, she hates the hospital routine ( or the lack of it ). Sending best thoughts.
    PAT - I laughed about the windscreen wipers and dishwasher analogy !
    The repair guy arrived and replaced a sensor. I've yet to check if the machine is working as I don't use it every day. I suppose I should be trying it out.
    ANNETTE - welcome home ! 500 miles is a fair journey in the UK but maybe not so bad on the freeways and at 75mph .
    LINDY/AQ - Almost impossible to get NHS dental care here. I've been a private patient for many years now.

    My brother thinks I've lost the plot. I fell sound asleep last evening, earlier than planned but was cold. So got pyjamas on and went to bed to read. The next thing I knew, the phone beside the bed was ringing. I was convinced it was morning and asked him why he was ringing me so early. We chatted but I was still sure that it was morning. Maybe I am indeed losing my marbles....
  • Easily done, Heather..... I frequently wake up & have to work out what time of day & indeed which day I'm on....
  • Easily done, Heather..... I frequently wake up & have to work out what time of day & indeed which day I'm on....
  • Just read on the Loch Garten thread of the death of Moffer, who wrote many posts and was an avid Osprey follower for many years. Apparently it was very sudden. How sad.
  • This afternoon we met up with an ex RAF colleague of mine who lives in Wooton Bassett and she and her husband are doing a coach tour which stopped briefly in Inverness. We haven't see her since 1981 when we were at another colleagues wedding. Oh my goodness!
  • Lindy - Thank you for letting us know about Moffer. So sorry to hear the news. As you say, very sad.