Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 17 April 2022


I hope everyone who is celebrating a holiday and/or visiting with family this weekend has a wonderful, meaningful time.

Sorry I haven’t posted replies this week. I’m up to my ears in paperwork (figuring taxes, arguing with an insurance company, etc.). Sigh.

Take care all and stay safe.

  • DIANE – Thank you for OG’s message. I do hope she is home again soon. Sending strengthening thoughts & prayers to OG & EE.

    RUSTY, HEATHER, LINDA - Thanks for your concern. Two days with lots of rest and my back no longer “shrieks” when I move. I shall try to be more careful in future <sigh> I managed food shop this morn. Somewhat weary this evening.

    LINDA – Gorgeous pics of Amber. And a peak of your garden. I am off now for a super hot shower. Physio once told me that baths were bad for backs; anyway I love my shower. (Horrid memories of 2-minute showers at boarding school.)

  • Morning all: Coffee and a muffin at hand; a quick splash over and it's off down the road to home.

    Diane: Yes, the winds yesterday were unusually fierce and we watched that fire blow up big time. It's south of us and not likely to reach here... They had to halt all airborne water drops, etc. Quieter today but winds expected again toward the weekend There's also a big fire near Flagstaff.

    Also hope we hear good news of OG soon.

    Meanwhile, take care everyone.
  • LYNETTE The Salvation Army are always glad of clothes they can use. Such a great cause.
  • Agree, DIBNLIB. When my neighbour died, they came to her home and were very grateful for all her clothes etc which they took away, together with other things that her nephew instructed me to dispose of. They couldn't have been nicer
  • Annette - So relieved to hear that the awful fires are south of you all, there - I read about them an hour ago & was worried as it's so major by the sound of it. Safe and good journey home.

    AQ - Good that your back is easing off, now. I find now, that I do have to limit how many times I bend down in one day! It was never a problem until a year or so ago. I suppose we are just not as supple as we used to be (Why is that? LOL!)

    The sun has come out quite often today, so my ironing basket is fast filling up. Ugh. After lunch, I treated myself to a couple of those very small chocolate eggs, which are covered in a crispy sugar shell. I soon found that I was crunching. It was a small piece of tooth filling which had objected to having to work so hard, so it became detached. My poor teeth are trying to make up for the gaps. I go to the dentist tomorrow and it can't come soon enough.

  • LINDY Good luck at the dentist tomorrow.
  • LINDY - Good luck at the dentists tomorrow. I do hope they can do all the treatment you need.
    ANNETTE - Safe journey home, Looking at the map it seems an awfully long way. I read up about the fires. Everywhere must be very dry.
    AQ - good news that your back is easing off. Hope it continues to improve.
    Not much news from here in North Wales today. It’s been a day of shopping and washing. Well, those things have to be done.
    I did manage to sit in the garden for lunch. It would have been very pleasant but my next door neighbour decided to get his strimmer going. Grrrr!
  • Good Morning. Sun here, again - the garden is responding and everything is growing. Blossom now on the old apple tree, and peonies coming up.

    Rusty - those strimmers are useful in the garden but rather a pain when you want a peaceful life!

    Hope that Annette is now safely back home again after a good family visit.
  • Good wishes for the dental stuff, LINDY !
    I've made an early start with shower etc as the dishwasher repairman is coming. The machine went on strike Sunday evening, just as there was a load of dishes from our family meal. Typical.
  • I had to laugh at your comment about the dishwasher, Heather. It reminded me of a time when - quite seriously - I shouted, 'Why do these *** windscreen wipers always break down when it rains?' It was only afterwards, when my companion laughed like a drain, that I saw the funny side of what I had said.