Weekly Chat, Sunday December 12, 2010

  • Enjoyed all the catch up and Joan, great you got out!

    Wendy. Good work on the bin men:)

    That place was in Ohio. Here is a link to a video. You may have to sit through a 30 second add first!


  • My goodness Gary, what an amazing video.  I cannot imagine man nor beast out in that weather.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Gary: Thank you thank you thank you as my OH did not believe me. I love light houses hence my old avatar but never one looking quite like that.

    SheilaFE: What is wrong with your farmer I will send mine up( Old Colin father of Young Colin and related to 90 year old Willy) they will put him right on how to keep his neighbours sweet.


  • SheilaFe : I watched The Apprentice and I have watched the whole series. I am so glad that Stuart Baggs was fired. How can any think they are ' a brand' at 21 years old. He was taken apart at the interviews.

    Wendyb : We also had the scaffies today. At one point there was a flock of wheelie bins in the cul de sac. I looked again later but they were gone. No time to get my camera.

  • Alan: In birdyspeak was that sighting of a flock of wheelie bins...confirmed...if so big tick!!

  • Wendy, my pleasure, but hate to think I sided against your OH!! Us men need to stick together.. lol That did look cold.

    Shelia, I agree, I wouldn't want to be out in that. That farmer sounds so inconsiderate:(

  • Oh dear, I have been reading and not replying for several days and now there is toooooo much for me to say. So I will just say how much I have enjoyed all the chatter & natter & pics & links. Thank you everyone. Still blissfully cool weather (I have continued with spring-cleaning for C-mas). We just had a heavy shower of rain!!! Schoolchildren on holidays will not be happy with this weather. Final year results were posted yesterday. Have a great Friday.

    Brain teasers

    50 W to L Y L
    7 B for S B
    15 M on the D M C
    10 G B H on the W
    8 S on a S S

    Last weeks answers
    7 D with S W = 7 Dwarfs with Snow White
    1 H on a U = 1 Horn on a Unicorn
    21 D on a D = 21 Dots on a Dice
    76 T L the B P = 76 Trombones Led the Big Parade
    60 S in a M = 60 Seconds in a Minute

  • Hi there,again playing catch up.

    Lindybird - I've surprised myself this year, usually am on the last minute, maybe its because I am not working and have more time on my hands.    Still trying to finish my tapestry - slowly coming on.

    Weather has been cloudy, drizzly and a sprinkling of snow late afternoon - temps have gone down so it is probably freezing outside.  Weather looks iffy for Saturday though when we are supposed to be going up to Nottingham to see OH's brother and his wife to exchange Christmas presents.  Will have to see how it goes.

    Never seen waxwings but to get them down South it must as you say be difficult for them finding food.



  • Wendyb wrote:  Gary I did see some amazing pictures on our lunchtime news of a lake in the states where it was so cold and windy natural ice sculptures had formed, even the lighthouse was engulfed in ice. As I caught up with it halway through I missed where. Can you help?

    Wendy, I saw that too on the news, it was amazing. I believe it was on Lake Erie . Just looked it up on Google map and it straddles Canada and the USA, 
















  • Not feeling at all well today – think it’s various stresses catching up with me – plus being due for injection (but have got the appointment for that next Monday, so hope that will pick me up).  On the subject of health, Doc phoned Son as follow up to yesterday’s appointment and suggested he may need to have growth hormone injections again – not to grow(!) but for related help for his physical and mental state – they don’t plan anything immediate, but will look into it.  Sounds a good idea to me – put right the cause rather than mask the effect.

    Electrician arrived at 7:59 am!!  Job done by 10 o’clock.  Not a good day to measure gain – damp early on at 2 degrees, then sleet which turned to wet snow, so not a lot of daylight, apart from a brief spell of early afternoon sunshine.  Covered the ground briefly then melted. Then froze down to about minus 2.

    Very Birdy day – Finches: 7 Gold, 6 Chaff, 1 Green.  Tits:1 Blue, 2 Coal.  Blackbirds: 12 assorted – including one with a nasty back injury – looks like a near miss for a Sparrowhawk  - sad really as Blackbird may well not survive, and Sparrowhawk missed a good meal!  Starlings too many to count; Sparrows, Robins, Dunnocks, Feral Pigeons, Jackdaws, Crows and Black-headed Gulls in usual numbers.  These weren’t single appearances – they mostly stayed around for much of the day.

    I’ve been returning on here through the evening, but my brain is hardly functioning, so I shan’t attempt replies tonight.

    Keep blogging and I hope to be more myself tomorrow – and will be thinking of Hamish.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!