Weekly Chat, Sunday December 12, 2010

Will catch up later, but see the last page of yesterday's chat for updates from folks - including the last one from Diane!

  • HI brendaH  thanks i will enjoy meal on friday i can't wait now for it thanks also for comments about the card

  • For some unknown reason I pressed post before I had finished, but, yes, it was getting too long !

    Gary, I always get the feeling that you would have one of those pups yourself if you could. Adorable puppy photographs. Thanks.

    Sheila, I do agree about time passing so quickly. I never used to understand my mother when she would say that time passes quicker, the older you get. Remember when you were a child, how long it seemed from one Christmas to the next.

    Diane, I am sure a rescue dog would love the freedom on your land and all the love you would give it, but you have listed all the reasons, yourself, why you shouldn't just yet. I bet the heart wins and not the head.

    Alan, I hope Hamish is still improving. He sounds such a strong character. I hope you have arranged a super present for him from Father Christmas.

    Dibnlib, It was emotional to see the harriers leave, especially when they showed what they did in the Falklands.

    Sorry if I haven't replied to you All, but thank you for all news, pictures and links.

  • Diane, did you get a dog yet?? lol

    Brenda, they are very cute but a bit too long haired for us. Like Diane, we are likely to go for a "pound mutt" and OH loves labs. I agree about the Harriers as well.

    Dibnlib, I hope you get another puppy but as you say, you may want to recover from your serious leg injury first:)

    Patriciat, good luck with the singing.

    Sorry I've been intermittent. MIL arrives Friday for a 3 week stay so trying to sort stuff out before then, so we can relax when she arrives:)

  • On with the saga of the package.  It eventually arrived here in a private car at 5:45 having somehow come from Leeds via Dunfermline and East Kilbride!!  We let the job programmer know, and he was as astonished as we were.  Apparently the original parcel is still enjoying a tour of Northern England or Scotland!!!  Anyway, we are now to expect the electrician tomorrow at 8:30 am – so another day’s plans have been altered, and it’s cleaner’s day in the afternoon too.  But I did get my meringue made today for a Fruit Pavlova for Saturday, and have cleared the ironing pile tonight.  Stuff from the meter cupboard has been stacked in the guest room and will tell cleaner to ignore that room as we shan’t have time between electrician and her to put it all away.  Then tonight Son announced he has almost decided he will come down by train for Christmas, so we might have to prepare the room ourselves!  He had seen his Doctor today and is carrying on with the same medication dose and returns to Doc late January.  He’d also been to see a friend and another friend was there and there was some sort of Man-fun with a chimney, a lathe and three dogs – probably these three items were not related, but sometimes it’s best not to know!

    Gary – such lovely peaceful Pups – for a little while!!  But they are so lovely.  Haven’t heard any more from Dau#2 about hers, although I did suggest photos.

    Diane – are you really ready to commit to a dog – especially a puppy - while you are renovating?  Do think it through.

    Tiger – yes, EJ will soon be here!!!

    Dibnlib – end of Harriers does seem like the end of an era – the last plane which was truly British innovative technology, and a real “workhorse” of the services.

    Patricia – enjoy your singing, and I hope there are no travel problems for the choir.  Have you got the postponed Dog Trials this weekend?

    Everyone – good night – I don’t know when I shall be able to switch on tomorrow, but if it is daylight I shall be greener!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Gary - you snuck in a minute before me!  Have a great  time relaxing with MiL - I hope you will all enjoy her visit.  Never worked this out : is your OH's family British like yours, or are they US residents?

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • I thought Diane meant she was going to look at the video her friend told her about, not actually go to the rescue place and bring one back right now! (Although she could be tempted, I'm sure...)

    Terry in Cumbria

  • I too have a choir concert this Saturday. It's supposed to snow before then, and we have children playing with us and some people live down lanes and up hills, :((  Audience could be meagre.

    Terry in Cumbria

  • OG, everyone in the family is English and it's only Alison and i who live over here. So, it's a long way to see anyone!  Hope Dau 2 get's her's:) I wou;dn't ask how all those items are related, regarding your son!! Glad a package turned up , even if it wasn't the original one!

  • Just caught up again on all your news!

    Alan, thanks for the pick of the sunset at Storre Mosse, its beautiful

    Gary, the pictures of the puppies are just sooooooooooo cute. I'm not a doggy fan , more of a pussie fan, but they are cute.e

    OH and daughter put up with the burnt offering last night, phew!!!!. Nearly did the same tonight. My automatic lighting of the oven isn't working and I have to do it mannually which means that I accidentally leave the oven on too high because the numbers have faded on the dial.  Just caught the dinner in time tonight, thank goodness!

    Gosh, virtually less than a hundred days to go, whoopee.

    Sorry to hear that the weather even in Florida is freezing, or not what they are used to over there.  The weather patterns are certainly changing at present, extreme heat in other parts of the world whilst freezing temps in other areas.

    Had a good choir practice tonight although nearly lost my voice. Ready now for Christmas and Friday night. We're having a week off next week.  Managed to ice the cakes today and get the remainder of the Christmas presents wrapped.   Just awaiting a couple of deliveries and then can finish off totally.  Really ahead of myself this year.

  • Patriciat - glad you are in a choir and I hope the Carol services go well.  We have been told not to sing anything at ours on Sunday night which I think is a bit mean as the choir have always sang two numbers in the Carols by Candlelight service on the Sunday before Christmas.   Me thinks the vicar is changing things for the sake of it, only time will tell.

    To all of you who have Carol concerts/services coming up and are particularly singing in a choir, do hope it all goes well with you.

    Looking at the weather forecast again tonight it looks like down here will not get too much snow before Saturday and thats if we get any at all.   Supposed to be going to Nottingham on Sat. to exchange presents with my husband's side of the family, will have to wait and see what happens weatherwise.