Weekly Chat, Sunday December 12, 2010

Will catch up later, but see the last page of yesterday's chat for updates from folks - including the last one from Diane!


    I was just thinking last night that I needed to reconsider and get a new dog. I had resolved not to get one because I might not be able to get a job where I can work from home -- or at least stay local -- so being able to care for a dog might be problematic. But DANG, I do love dogs. A lot. A real lot.

    And then you go and post pics of the CUTEST little canines. They are so adorable...they pull on my heartstrings. I'll bet they have that little puppy smell. Ahhhhh...

    No more doggy pics!!! LOL LOL LOL (I'm only teasing you! Honest!)

    P.S. I want the little light colored one, second from the left. LOL

  • Oh, crikey, my best friend just posted a video on Facebook of all the new dogs in the Indianapolis rescue shelter. Off to look at them... I will blame it on Gary. LOL LOL LOL

  • Tiger, very exciting.

    Shelia, you're right. Just had some food, which was very tiring. lol

  • Diane, so sorry, won't do it again:(

  • Diana, you wouldn't want to "friend" Luna Tunes then, the retriever mum of the pups .....


    Enjoy looking at the vids. Sure you could work something out, dog wise:)))

  • GARY  Does anything get more aaaaah than a  puppy. I am still working on OH about getting another pup, but definitely a good thing we did not do it this year as I have had a few health probs and then of course there is the small matter of the broken leg

    DIANE  Good luck at the rescue shelter.  When we do decide to get Dillon a friend, it may well be that our first option will be a rescue centre. I would still love another Goldie but there are so many dogs in these centres that I really feel we should look there first. Anyway I am sure you will let  us know how you get on.

  • GARY!!! I just want to reach out and take that puppy. How could anybody resist that face? Dang.

    Edit: Thanks for the link!!!

  • Just watched the final Harrier bow on the Beeb news and got all emotional. Can't really believe they have flown for the last time. Wonder if one will be kept airworthy for diplays?

  • It has been drizzling here all afternoon and felt cold. I am going to try and reply to your posts but I do seem to be rather behind.

    Lynette, Hope you are feeling better, you have all that singing ahead of you and you also have dental problems. Sorry, you really are in 'the wars'.

    Margo,  Billy is really feeling at home if he is becoming so territorial and fighting for his patch. Glad to hear that Rhys has recovered. It must have been frightening for his parents though.

    Alicat, Thanks for your lovely card.  Enjoy your lunch on Friday with OH.

    Chloe, I hope you have managed to sort out your computer problems.

    Joan,  So pleased to hear that Harry is happy and not in any pain.

    Annette, I am findng myself involved with your 'new' garden. Were you able to choose your olive trees ?

    AQ,  I loved the store list for retired husbands. I will show it to my OH but I don't want him to get any ideas. He has been quietly suffering for the last few days, Christmas shopping with me. 

    OG, Oh, to have a job done, when all the parts needed and the workers all turn up, and everything runs smoothly and on time. It must happen sometimes.




  • Hi folks So many things to comment on! (or, for OG and Annette) 'on which to comment'. Doesn't that sound really pedantic?

    Hope Rhys is over the worst of his fitting - is the high fever teething-related ?  It's very scary or parents when a little one is ill.  Tomasz's poor Mum clearly hasn't yet reached the stage where she can relax and enjou him.  A new baby, especially a first, is such a responsibility.

    Glad to hear that Hamish is making progress and that Harry the budgie doesn't have anything seriiously wrong.

    Lynette I hope you will be able to get to your choir's singing 'engagement' despite the weatther.  I, too, am in the church choir.  We have a candlelight carol service every year, which was a cross-community event during the height of the 'troubles' in Northern Ireland.  Our choir is very small, though we have a 3 or 4 singers who join us for the carol service, and our choirmaster, formerly head of music in one of the best and biggest schools here, sets exacting standards!  We do some very unusual carols as well as the old favourites.  Tomorrow night will be our final practice so I have fingers crossed that the threatened snow will pass us by!

    Gary The pups get cuter with every picture!  And can't you see them growing?

    Diane Glad you were able to sleep for  11 hours.  Our bodies have a way of telling us when we've pushed ourselves too hard.  Keep warm and keep well.

    Greetings to everyone else.  Enjoy the run up to Christmas (and spoil yourselves with goodies when it' cold and miserable.