I hope everyone has a safe, serene week.
It looks like the enormous, squawking Pileated Woodpecker has decided to nest right at the beginning of my driveway lane, across from my front door, this year!
I certainly hope last week is long gone for OG and Lindybird; sounds like bumpy time for them.
Diane: Thanks again. Woodpeckers are indeed raucous creatures. How early do they wake up? For the second year, we've had a bunch of American Robins hang out in the neighborhood with regular stops at our fountain. The crows must be busy feeding young'uns or incubating mate coz one very bold one comes right down beside me when I'm tossing out bits of bread and rushes around burying them under the mulch before coming back for more.
I've done practically nothing but putter around for almost four days. It's positively unseemly at this point. It simply can't go on much longer. What's more, I'm getting take-out (Mexican) tonight. Yum!
Have a good Sunday everyone.
Kind regards, Ann
Ann: THANK YOU for posting that beautiful link. I didn't think about that one. There's been a Pileated Woodpecker pair nesting on this patch every year for as long as I can remember--back to my childhood when my grandparents lived here. My grandfather called them "Piloted Woodpeckers." I think that's an old Indiana pronunciation. Usually, though, those birds don't nest this close to the house. They often nest on the levee above the creek. Their squawking and drumming won't bother me, but I'm a little concerned that they'll be inclined to defend the nest if I walk down my driveway to go to the store. I may have to divert around through my yard to give them more room when the chicks hatch. I don't think I'd want to get pecked on the head by that big fella! LOL Hope you're well, Ann.
DIANE – To walk down your drive you need a hard hat or perhaps some eyes painted on crown?
Clocks back to normal time at last. So nice to wake in daylight this morn.
Daylight Savings Time. . . so poor people can experience jet lag.
Time is what keeps everything from happening at once. (Ray Cummings)
People think they own time. They have watches and clocks and digital pulses. But they are wrong. Time owns them. (Caroline B Cooney)
Matthew enjoying his prawn flavour crisps (yuk!)
Rosie getting to grips with her Mums phone. They are completely unfazed by technology. Later, she decided to try and eat the felt butterflies on her frock!
Tomasz scowled every time the camera was pointed in his direction-- he is already a grumpy teenager, at aged 11!!