Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 3 April 2022


I hope everyone has a safe, serene week. 

It looks like the enormous, squawking Pileated Woodpecker has decided to nest right at the beginning of my driveway lane, across from my front door, this year!

  • Lindy excellent re the dentists.
    Diane loved the account of your trip to the store. Black vultures sound rather scary to me!!!
    I have been to the local shops this morning - nowhere near as exciting. Pleased to note that about 75% of us were still wearing masks.
  • Good morning.
    HEATHER – I was trying to remember whether I actually told you about things which happened last week, and decided it must have been my memory which was at fault! Briefly: disappointment no 1 was that carpet may not happen 19th April as the factory had no stock of our choice! Having waited till now from when kitchen was done, we decided we did not want to choose a substitute. And then delivery of chairs and beds was postponed due to all their drivers having covid at the same time – new expected next Tuesday. There were other difficult things also happening, can’t remember them! Glad you enjoyed the Danes’ visit.

    RUSTY – several of us have followed each other through knee replacements, cataract ops, cancer treatments and other things which come with aging – it is good to have a group of like-minded and like-inflicted pals! I myself am now immobile, but able to enjoy and share memories of visits to various Osprey nests etc.

    HARELADY – a busy time for visits – take care.

    ANNETTE – it was amazing to see how plants in the greenhouse are growing so fast – hope to do some “potting on” this week – something I can help with! Glad you felt invigorated after your Sunday morning walk.

    LYNETTE – things are certainly moving on apace around your house and garden – continue to enjoy all the new special places!

    DIANE – I wish you well with those scary vultures flying around you – take care!

    LINDA – we also had some much-needed precipitation overnight. Today there is less sunshine to dry things out. Bulbs are still thriving – been exceptional this year, and most were old ones, only a few tulips were new. Glad you got the dentist appointment – now you need to persuade him/her do actually do some treatment! Good luck.

    We have made a decision! We stopped our cleaner at the beginning of covid – she was rubbish anyway, so when they consulted re people coming into the house, we were happy to be rid of that one. We have approached the same little company and they are a bit short-staffed right now, but I said I could accept a split week and they are going to let us know whet they can fit in after the Easter holiday. E-E really does need the help.
  • Thanks for the good wishes for the dentist visit tomorrow, OG! -- Its of huge importance to me as its been dominating my life for a while now. You don't appreciate things until they aren't there any more, or they dont work!! I am also recovering from the covid episode, but it's not a case of waking up and thinking "I'm all right now", as it seems to be departing slowly and reluctantly. My OH is coughing a lot less, but expressed surprise that he still felt tired!!
  • Unknown said:
    Remember when I posted about those Black Vultures (Coragyps atratus) that are moving into Indiana from the southern states and Central America?

    Yikes.I did not know about black vultures preying on calves rather than carrion. We have seen some flying north on migration, along with the numerous turkey vultures.

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • I love birds of prey- even vultures!!! Interesting. Keep looking up, Diane!

    I got interrupted when writing the above ( my son is having a joiner in to build a new back gate, & he sent me pictures of it).

    OG - You do sound as if you are both back to getting things done, and organising yourselves.  Edit:  my mobile broke off here, and published a half of my message!! <sigh>  now retyping.... .

    I hope that all of the carpets and furniture arrive as promised, without any more delays. Our bulbs have been glorious this year, and the daffodils everywhere have been a joy, as they've not been bent over in the wind.

    Rusty-  We are still mask wearing and it does seem to vary with what kind of establishment you're visiting.  Mostly it's us older folks who are still sticking to it.

  • LINDY so pleased you have a dental appt tomorrow. I hope all goes well.

    OG Sorry to hear of all your delays. Glad you are able to get out in the garden, even if you do need help.
  • Morning all:

    OG: The delays are pretty much par for the course these days  Hope the schedule is solid this time.  Do hope you get a good house cleaner in soon so EE can concentrate on more enjoyable things.

    Lindybird:  Brilliant re the dental appt!   Hope it all goes smoothly and without delays.  Does the dentist take temperature, etc.?  You can't go into any medical office here without someone thrusting a thermometer at your forehead...

    I'm back to normal today:  Went for walk; going to Tai Chi at 11 and (still gentle) yoga this evening. Eye doc says I can start digging holes in the garden on Thursday (I have to move some plants).  Must also do an organized shop today; it's going to get pretty darn warm for the time of year and I want to BBQ chicken for salads later in the week but nary a salad fixing in site.

    Take care everyone.

  • Yes, Annette, the dentist took temps last time I was there, & everyone is masked etc. I already have an appointment on the 21st for his looking at the1st tooth I lost, and now I need his advice on what to do now another has broken (falling to bits a piece at a time, I said to my OH). Whatever plan of action is decided, its going to cost a bit of money.

    Great that your eyes are doing well, and you can soon get back to your gardening.

    Its been warmer here today, but it rained this afternoon when my OH took the dog on her walk. Sue has come back from her break in Wales a day early, as it was way too windy there for her. Its been very wet, too.

    Sorry if I've not commented on everyone's posts. I don't seem to be able to catch up.

    Where is AQ today?

  • When we got home the Stellata was in full bloom.