Many thanks to AG  who wrote this preface to the Llyn Brenig thread for us (below)

Llyn Brenig is a reservoir on the border between Denbighshire and County Conwy in North Wales. It is managed by Welsh Water;  the osprey project is a partnership between them and North Wales Wildlife Trust.

One pair of ospreys raised a single chick here each year from 2018-2020. Neither of this pair returned in 2021, when the nest was taken over by 2 Scottish birds, LJ2 (male) and LM6 (female), both 2018 chicks. The nest was vandalised the night after LM6 had laid her first egg; while the two could not continue to breed they did stay close to the site until normal migration time.

A new nest has been erected in 2022 with additional security and a streaming camera is in place. A new hide has also been built.

Links to

North Wales Wildlife Trust Page https://www.northwaleswildlifetrust.org.uk/days-out/ospreys-llyn-brenig

Welsh Water Page https://llynbrenig.com/llyn-brenig-osprey/

Osprey Project Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/brenigospreyproject

Friends of Llyn Brenig Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/FriendsofLlynBrenigBlue24

Llyn Brenig YouTube Channel for Live Stream https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8_OrcBilBcFmDQVGgrk2ng

  • The feed only lasts about 5 minutes when LM6 suddenly flies off - still holding the fish!

    The chicks turn around to see where she’s gone. Just look at their big feet! 

    After a minute, LM6 returns but without the fish. Oh dear….. such a shame. 

  • About 06.19, LJ2 returns to the nest looking for some leftovers! No luck so he moves a twig.

    LM6 then moves that annoying stick out of the way.

    08.50 LJ2 brings the second fish of the day to the nest, a pike? 

  • The feed is again blocked from view but lasts over 10 minutes.

    LM6 then leaves for a quick comfort break, followed by LJ2 who tackles a Corvid before reaching the nest.

    After LM6 has settled down on the chicks, LJ2 pulls the remainder of the fish from where it was lying beside LM6. He’ll get his breakfish this time! 

  • That's a pretty good size Pike.
    Just as well it wasn't alive and flapping as it's teeth could do a lot of damage to a small bob.

    Richard B

  • Unknown said:
    That's a pretty good size Pike.
    Just as well it wasn't alive and flapping as it's teeth could do a lot of damage to a small bob.

    Thanks for confirming that Richard. Yeah, a pike is quite a predator. 

  • LJ2 visits the nest at 13.18. LM6 shouts for fish. He tidies a stick and leaves returning 21 minutes later with a small perch.

    LM6 and the chicks quickly start their feed.

    LM6 finishes off with the tail. All gone in just over 10 minutes.

  • Chick #1 goes for a wander to see what’s over the other side of the nest. Chick #2 follows but stays a little behind.

    Fish #4 arrives at 15.23. Going by the pink fins, I’m saying perch like the last one but I’m not really sure that they are perch! This one is bigger.

    • It was a bit of a fiddly transfer of the fish!

      LM6 took her time and gave the chicks a really good feed until they were fit to burst! 
       The feed lasted well over half an hour and only the tail was left.

  • LJ2 is now fishing for fun!! Another arrival at 17.21. Looks like he’s found a shoal of perch this afternoon.

    A very much alive, wriggly fish. The kids see him and are calling excitedly.

    But guess who decided to feed the kids?!! LJ2 didn’t pass the fish onto LM6 and started eating it himself. The chicks quickly followed him. 

    LM6 was closely watching. LJ2 gave a few mouthfuls to #1 chick. I don’t think #2 got any but it was blocked from view.

    LM6 stood by and had a preen. The chicks continued to ask to be fed.

    #2 did move position and picked up a piece of fish that had dropped and ate that with some grass attached!

    LJ2 had the vast majority of the fish and downed the tail. LM6 had started fish calling before this was eaten.

    LJ2 left the nest and poor LM6 was left to search for wee scraps that had dropped. 

  • Good morning and it was a very late night supper with a fish (tiddler) delivered after 22.15 last night.

    When LM6 tried to take it from LJ2, the fish broke free and danced around the nest and over chick #2, wakening it up. Luckily it settled in the nest cup and LM6 captured it.

    Although chick #2 was up first, it was chick #1 who got most of the feed, which didn’t last long. It was getting dark quickly. Night cam came on a few minutes later.

  • So that was a total of 6 fish delivered yesterday, the most I’ve seen LJ2 bring to the nest and he took part in a feed. What a good day he had. Blush