Many thanks to AG  who wrote this preface to the Llyn Brenig thread for us (below)

Llyn Brenig is a reservoir on the border between Denbighshire and County Conwy in North Wales. It is managed by Welsh Water;  the osprey project is a partnership between them and North Wales Wildlife Trust.

One pair of ospreys raised a single chick here each year from 2018-2020. Neither of this pair returned in 2021, when the nest was taken over by 2 Scottish birds, LJ2 (male) and LM6 (female), both 2018 chicks. The nest was vandalised the night after LM6 had laid her first egg; while the two could not continue to breed they did stay close to the site until normal migration time.

A new nest has been erected in 2022 with additional security and a streaming camera is in place. A new hide has also been built.

Links to

North Wales Wildlife Trust Page https://www.northwaleswildlifetrust.org.uk/days-out/ospreys-llyn-brenig

Welsh Water Page https://llynbrenig.com/llyn-brenig-osprey/

Osprey Project Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/brenigospreyproject

Friends of Llyn Brenig Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/FriendsofLlynBrenigBlue24

Llyn Brenig YouTube Channel for Live Stream https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8_OrcBilBcFmDQVGgrk2ng

  • Last view I got on 26 April:


  • Second egg spotted at Llyn Brenig earlier this morning

    Copyright Dwr Cymru/NWWT

    EDIT laid around 10.17 this morning.

  • Unknown said:
    Second egg spotted at Llyn Brenig earlier this morning

    I found it in YT rollback and did a video - but there was horrendous "whining" intermittently and by the time I nullified that, and took out lots of freezes, I lost all her grunts.  Half an hour wasted, chucked it all.  So thank you for the great snap, AG Grin 


  • Interesting to see that there has been a bit of a publicity splurge about the Llyn Brenig nest yesterday. North Wales Police Wildlife Unit tweeted that they were working with NWWT and Dwr Cymru on nest security. Openreach put out a video of their work replacing the vandalised pole. There are now 30 people trained and on the rota to watch the next on-line overnight and they have contact numbers to report anything untoward which happens.

  • Unknown said:
    There are now 30m people trained


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Well, if I never do another Brenig video it will be too soon.  Trying to show the painfully slow fish handover this m morning - and it wasn't LJ2's fault.

    Lots of page-turner transitions, meaning lots of relative inactivity has been cut out.


  • Sorry Scylla didn't notice my typo - 30 people, including a few New Zealanders who are awake at times of day most UK folks are asleep.

    A bit damp at LB this morning - but much needed for the vegetation in N Wales.

  • The project's FB page reports a 3rd egg laid at 10.16 a.m. this morning.
  • Unknown said:
    A bit damp at LB this morning - but much needed for the vegetation in N Wales.

    Who'd have thought we'd be hearing that? Astonished 

    Lots of dropouts (not only from Brenig) today.

    I had mentally titled this "Wot, only 2 eggs?!":

    I didn't get a good sighting of the 3 until afternoon, so this is generic, just for the record ;)


  • Project have published this picture on their FB page this morning.

    Caption "One clear photograph, two proud parents, three perfect eggs."

    © NWWT/Dwr Cymru

  • LM6 and LJ2 seem to be settling in to a good incubation routine, He brought a fish yesterday and she brought the remains back for him. Regular changeovers being reported on the Friend of LB Osprey Project FB Group. Fingers crossed; I may need to make a booking at the new photography hide in late June.