Llyn CLYWEDOG - March-June 2022

This nest is curated by John Williams of ©NaturalResourcesWales and the cams by Peter Dobson of CarnyxWild

Information courtesy of John Williams:

5F Seren hatched at nest K, Rutland, from parents Red 08 (m) and Yellow 30 (f).  Chris Wood, who volunteers at the Rutland osprey project, has been following her for at least 7  years to Tanji Marsh in the Gambia.  She has been at this nest with Dylan since 2020, after suffering abandonment by bigamist Aran at Pont Croesor.

Seren returned on 26 March 2022.

Dylan is unringed, he's been breeding at this nest since 2016, when he ousted dear Dai Dot.


CarnyxWild Wales YouTube Channel

The Clywedog Osprey Group (Facebook)

  • Gylan came to relieve Seren a short whike ago
  • scylla said:
    Out of the corner of my eye I have got the impression today that Seren & Dylan are a very happily married couple... but no time for details and it really is packing up time now.

    I have thought this for a few weeks now Scylla. He's a great provider  - good boy Dylan and Seren is a good looking gal and I can see that they like each other . Good for them

  • Dylan is in his 7th season at Clywedog and knows the area well. The FB group kept of log of his fish returns by species last year and are doing the same now; it is interesting to see some of the same patterns emerging and we now have 24 hour streaming coverage. Thanks to Scylla for noting some overnight catches on here which have not been picked up by the group - I have added them to the log.

    It is their 3rd season together; 2 of their first brood have returned already, and it has been a smooth incubation period so far, In 2020 5F proved herself to be a very efficient feeder of 3 chicks, and there was a minimal amount of sibling rivalry.

    The only major concern has been a hobby visiting the nest before hatching - John believes that a hobby predated a youngster some years ago before the camera was installed. This is the natural world and things can still go awry for the ospreys, but there is every reason to hope for a good outcome from the three eggs. Tomorrow is day 37 for egg 1 - perhaps we will have a Sunday's child?
  • Checking back a couple of hours, Dylan had to defend quite vigorously earlier - it didn't last long:

    Unknown said:
    Tomorrow is day 37 for egg 1 - perhaps we will have a Sunday's child?

    I've just been checking the calendar and I think "perhaps yes" Slight smile

  • At this point Seren had been waiting nearly 10 minutes, she got fed up and flew off and Dylan was happy to continue incubation:

    Next time she only had to wait about 3 minutes:

  • You may notice that, as I've got tireder, first the times went and then the frames disappeared as well.

    It's been an active morning and Dylan has been attempting "masterful".

    He banged on Seren's back several times with this bark(?):

    He left and returned and shouldered Seren off the eggs to take over:

    Dylan has a pale peachy patch under his throat and an almost perfect Lord Mayor's chain Grin 

    Seren brought in this "item", no idea what, it was black on one side:

    Dylan smothered Seren with his tail, I couldn't be bothered with the follow-up snap.

    Seren is incubating now.  No pips seen at last turn of eggs.

  • Lots of egg-turning during a 7-minute period - no pip seen, but what's a crack and what's the Osprey egg-pattern?