I think this will be an interesting season at Loch Arkaig - who is going to take residence is the big question? 

For me it doesn't matter who, just as long as the nest is occupied. 



  • So much for Males not travelling far from home !!!

    Richard B

  • Doddie JJ6 sighting in Shetland: I googled Sae Water, and discovered it's a tiny loch about 350 miles from Loch Arkaig. Had to put in car directions, but it's a good indicator of Doddie's journey. Wonder if he passed through Lochaber and decided against stopping for a visit? The fish he was photographed with doesn't fit the description given below of 'the brown trout are mostly small'.


    Description: This small, shallow loch was fished for sea trout which ran up from the Laxo system. A few fish still enter the loch but it is little fished. Weedy along the west shore and the brown trout are mostly small.


    Google map close up of Sae Water - wobbly X marks the spot!

  • This is incredible news Geemeff. One of our own has returned. Heart
    My first Osprey nest ever in 2020, that family of 5 introduced me to a whole new world and I am forever grateful. I hope Aila is looking down on her legacy.
  • Unknown said:
    So much for Males not travelling far from home !!!

    They don't read the manuals, do they? Rofl

  • Geemeff said:
    Doddie JJ6 sighting in Shetland

    Fantastic news!

  • Geemeff said:
    Doddie JJ6 sighting in Shetland

    Fantastic news!

    Makes up for my disappointment at Radio 4's Paddy O'Connell not chosing my egg-chupping clip for this morning's slow radio slot on BH Blush

  • GEEMEFF Sorry but your link won't open
    So happy to hear the news about Doddie and to know that dear Aila's son has survived and, hopefully, gets to pass on the genes in the future
  • Dorcha gets rid of a crow while Louis watches:

    16.50:21 Dorcha leaves since Louis is firmly in place and not looking ready to go fishing for her.

    16.50.50 There's a flash of wings on the right underneath the nest and a crow is glimpsed

    16.50:58 A Hooded Crow hops up on the nest and perches on the left hand perch, ignoring Louis

    16.51.47 Dorcha comes charging in and gets rid of the crow.

  • GEEMEFF Sorry but your link won't open
    So happy to hear the news about Doddie and to know that dear Aila's son has survived and, hopefully, gets to pass on the genes in the future

    Sorry about that patily - just some links about the loch where he was sighted, and a map link. But you got the important news, that Doddie is alive and well, in the UK and catching nice big fish, and seen just yesterday.

    What with Rannoch (JJ2 2019) being sighted in Senegal in February this year - and turning out to be male - that's two of Aila's boys seen this year! 

  • 9am this morning tweet from Doddie’s photographer Kristofer:

    Great news, Doddie (Osprey JJ6) has remained all day again at Sae Water, Shetland. He’s been catching a good few trout throughout the day but those eels are slippery & bitey catches! I’ve just spent the last few hours with him after supper leaving him sat on a fence post asleep.

    The video that accompanied last night's 19.50 tweet from Kristofer showed Doddie fishing expertly, he's a chip off the old block. However, he soon dropped his catch, and re-watching in slo-mo on a bigger screen, it was an eel he'd caught, hence the reference to those eels are slippery & bitey catches!