(Last season's 153-page mega-thread.)

We look forward to MrsG and Aran's return with even more eagerness and anxiety than usual.

Guestimated due dates per ©


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  • Aww Patily thank you for your lovely kind words..... Very touching and please have a go at a poem.... would be most apt.
  • Thanks for the lovely Osprey photos, LAM, and the blue skies, too. It is great that you are seeing all of the known nests in Wales. I look forward to more reports and photos from you. Fingers crossed that next year the UK has a similar good return rate as this year. I always also wish for a non-dramatic year, but of course wishing does no good and every year is a roller coaster in the world of Ospreys. At least most of the drama was not in Welsh nests this year. Fingers crossed that Poole Harbour, Loch Garten and Balgavies (and any I may have missed) have a completely calm year next year.
    We were in Wales in early July but now have to wait nearly a year before we can go back. I mentioned the breeze through the Glaslyn VC (and now there is the same through the new hide when there are windows and doors open!) because for two years in a row a few years ago we happened to be visiting the Welsh nests (including Glaslyn's wonderfully breezy VC!!) on several June days when Porthmadog had the highest temperatures in the UK! Glaslyn was fabulous for all of the reasons Osprey centres are fabulous, plus it had the added cooling breezes...

    Kind regards, Ann

  • You're welcome Gardenbirder.
    Yes hides are the most coldest spots to go to on the hottest days! We come out of the hide at Manton Bay with Rab jackets gloves full mountaineering clothes on and we're still freezing cold when we come out everyone else has shorts and tee shirt on! lol!
    Yes each year is exciting to await them back again to all the nests, then inevitably nature takes its course, leaving us mere humans panged with anxiety...... And we do this for a hobby to relieve other stresses! :-)
    Anyway Mrs G doesn't like herons any more than 33 does as she was having a right go at one! Aran doing what he does second best to fishing...... Chasing away intruders!
  • Very difficult to see the chicks they keep themselves tucked well away unless they show at the nest for food!
  • Good Afternoon All

    With all the attempted posts over the last couple of days being lost will give a summary here:

    With the extreme heat the birds have been hiding away a bit!

    There have been a lot of intruders dropping in mostly which Aran has been dealing with but there was also an incidence where 497 had a go....... Following in dad's footsteps!

    Fish have been coming into the nest still but perhaps not as profusely, maybe due to heat or Aran wants to get them having a go for themselves!

    Mrs G catching her fish now and yesterday there was a great aerial flying display with Aran and we think Mrs G and an intruding male skydancing! At one time there were 4 ospreys in the sky!

  • These are pics of 497 chasing intruder

  • Just seen on Glaslyn FB page that a day ago Roli visited perhaps that was the above photos as was taken a day ago! Perhaps he was the skydancer!