And here we go again Joy

Brief history about Manton Bay:

The nest was first occupied by White 08(97) and Green 5N(04) in 2007 who raised 2 chicks.  In 2008 they paired again but the nest failed and in 2009 it was unused.   In 2010 a new pair, Green 5R(04) and an unringed female nicknamed Mrs 5R, took up residence and over the next four years raised 11 chicks.   Green 5R(04) failed to return in 2014 and Mrs 5R paired with a new mate, Blue 28(10) and laid 3 eggs.  Blue 33(11) arrived determined to claim this nest and evicted Blue 28(10).  Blue 33(11) kicked out the eggs and spent the remainder of the season bonding with Mrs 5R who was then officially named “Maya”.   In 2015 Maya and Blue 33(11) returned and to date have successfully raised 20 chicks.   

© Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust

Here’s wishing Maya and Blue 33(11) a safe journey home and for another successful season.

  • Are you looking at the screen on the Rutland & Leicester Wildlife Trust home page, Catlady? That does show the message 'live stream recording not available' on there.

    This is the link for access to both cams on YT

  • Yes that is the link I had saved. I now see it in YouTube, but the problems I am having is I can't get a link set, the same as the Loch Garten camera. I look at YouTube things but never upload videos or have an account if, you need that! CRinger very kindly set out steps for me to follow, but if I use google, can't find the new camera for LG and can't see the 3 dots top right to follow to the next steps. I am using a samsung tablet, new to me only a few week, I am a bit techie but this has beat me!.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Lynn L said:
    I am using a samsung tablet

    That's what I've got.  Browsers on Android are a pain in the bee-hind, very different from Windows versions, so much seems hidden.  Problem is, I only use it in emergencies so never get familiar with it.  You've done really well so far - if you do sort it out, maybe you could find time to send me intructions (after telling me somewhere on here that you've msg'd me, otherwise I'll never see it!).

    Sorry to have wandered off on this thread, I'm off to bed now *yawn*.

  • Being on a laptop, I just 'bookmark' the page. I don't know about tablets or how they work, unfortunately. I hope someone is around who can help you, Catlady.
  • Yes me too Sandra, that is when I use the laptop, I bookmark stuff, same as at my work. Laptop very old and needs to be on charge all the time, is in office, had apple ipad for 7 years, now new Samsung Tablet, so much easier to have on your knee and carry about, really like it but this YouTube stuff has been a pain, been on here toooooo long now, will try again tomorrow!

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • More sub letters. Still I reckon these will be evicted (I understand they don't pay their rent)
    Thank you Scylla
  • Morning ALL

    Scylla - I know, one the the first things I noticed!!! Last year if I recall correctly the timeline was added a couple of weeks after the cam went live and they did the logo at the same time which we remarked on.

    We can only hope that they do add it as personally I find it so helpful for noting any nest event but also I can check if I am actually watching live!!
  • Checking back, I see that the EGs had come in with daycam - and one of them got very comfy!

    It turned out that this was a FEATHER!  It was very alarming when it actually tumbled down into the nestcup, for all the world looking like an egg:

  • Karen W said:
    Last year if I recall correctly the timeline was added a couple of weeks after the cam went live

    Well remembered, KAREN!  And here it is again this year - I havn't come to the logo yet, which I hope won't be as prominent as last year.

    The EGs spent 15 minutes on the nest in the early hours!