Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 23 January 2022


I hope everyone has a joyful, serene week! Stay safe, everyone. 

  • Good Morning. Dry and no wind here: I know that it's predicted to be high winds in northern areas of UK, so hope it's not too severe.

    Harelady: You can now look forward to your retirement, then. It will soon come, and then you can join those of us who say "Don't know how I ever had the time to go to work!"

    Lynette: Pleased to hear that things are going well, in the circumstances. Take time to rest, as its mentally tiring.

    AQ - I suppose we shouldn't be surprised about the outcome of all that driveway activity! I'm looking forward to catching some of the Ash Barty match - so exciting! Just saw an interview with her & she seems very sensible. Fingers crossed for her.

    Diane: Hope you're now recovering and feeling more able to cope.
  • Last night we had our usual Friday treat of fish & chips, and my new filling promptly came out of my front tooth. <sigh> Of course, as its the weekend, no chance of even speaking to my dentist until Monday. Bah!
  • Missed a couple of days - planning went awry due to various appointments falling over each other! Now got to go to Respiratory on Tuesday – looks as if bad weekend weather will be out the way by then. Actually, today is not bad – just mixed between wet and sunny.

    LINDA – I am debating with myself over Windows 11. OH’s PC is just too old, J has changed and says it’s fine, so I’m almost persuaded to upgrade. Sounds like final stages of light fitting will be quite quick – hope you can decide amicably on lengths of hanging bits. Got a new vacuum cleaner yesterday and a new ironing board due for delivery too – all very practical. OH threw away (put for recycling) bicycle parts this morning – hasn’t had a bike since before we moved here in 2003! Garage was supposed to have had a real clear-out about seven years ago – I wonder what that meant? Liked the things to keep in mind! Sorry about filling falling victim to fish and chips.

    PAT – sounds a really lovely day out – especially with food included! I imagine you will be planning another visit there soon.

    LYNETTE – good to hear from you when you feel up to it – thoughts and prayers continue. Glad practicalities have gone well.

    HARELADY – I hope you get your weekend walk. Nice to have retirement so near now!

    Now got to make sure my part of the study is really tidy for J to clean it this afternoon – also have reminded OH to tidy his desk area.
  • Light is finally up and running.... although it's still not finished, as it needs new bulbs & we've used some existing pearlised ones we had in our cupboard - I would much rather have clear ones, which should give out more light as well as look better. The length of the hanging was dictated by how near it came to hitting the head of a tall person! When I bought it, it was illustrated with much longer lengths of cable and looked very elegant, but I suspect it would look better hanging in a hallway or stairwell, rather than our small dining toom.

  • Before I forget - OG - my son uses a CPAP machine because of sleep apnoea and has developed a productive cough in the mornings - loud enough for me to hear it when my bedroom door is closed.
  • Don't know why that pic has come out so big. Ah well.

    The wind is getting up, here, now. I got wet through going for my usual weekly shop this morning, but not as wet as those who hadn't read the forecast and were wearing only a light fleece! At least I was wearing a raincoat!

    OG - Sounds as if you're getting on with things there, in spite of having appointments to attend. Hope things go well. I have a love/hate relationship with all my techy things. The desktop will have to remain as it is as I'm not willing to change anything on it nowadays. I think I got up to Windows 10.

    Just watched the highlights of the tennis in Aus. - very exciting and a well deserved win for Ash Barty. 

  • LINDY Why do these things always happen at weekends.

    well it hasn't been the best week for us. What we thought was a sore throat turned out to be an abscess on a tonsil, which left any longer would have blocked his airway. He is in our local hospital now recovering from an operation to drain the abscess. He hopes to be home on Monday.
  • Oh, dear dibnlib: so sorry you've had so much worry and stress. At least they've got it identified and sorted. Good old NHS. I hope his recovery is swift now, although I suppose that even if he gets home this weekend it might be with ABs to take. Edit: now I've reread it, you said you were expecting it to be Monday. It could be, as there is not always a doc on duty to sign people off at weekends.