Poole Harbour Ospreys 2022

Start of a new year so start of a new thread. 

I have changed the title slightly.

It could be a momentous year when, hopefully, our resident Ospreys return.

For the 2021 thread click HERE

Richard B

  • CJ7, 022 and 5H1 all still present on site today.
  • Thank you for the update, Alison :)
  • I forgot to post these screenshots the other day ... 5H1 showing how she feels about magpies!

    © Poole Harbour Osprey Project

  • It just goes to show how huge an Osprey is in comparison - a Magpie always looks so big when one is in my garden!
  • Oops, a fish delivered by CJ7 was lost through the side of the nest yesterday! Luckily, 022 brought in a replacement about five minutes later.

    © Poole Harbour Osprey Project

  • Lovely to see Gardenbirder on the Osprey Cruise this morning! We had great views of several ospreys, as well as White-tailed Eagle G801, Sparrowhawk and three Hobbies. One of the ospreys was a blue-ringed juvenile, and the chances are that it was our very own 5H1:

    © Alison Copland

    EDIT: Now confirmed by another photographer that it was definitely 5H1.

  • Great to see you, too, Allison!
    And the rest of you may like to know that luckily, it was confirmed later in the afternoon by Poole Harbour Ospreys (after examining Alison's and other's photos taken on the boat trip) to be 5H1 attempting to fish! The afternoon Poole Harbour Osprey boat trip on Wednesday also reported seeing 5H1! Very sad about her sibling, but fingers crossed we see her again in a few years with her own nest and chicks somewhere. Hope she has the sense to choose a nest with a camera!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Unknown said:
    We had great views of several ospreys, as well as White-tailed Eagle G801, Sparrowhawk and three Hobbies.

    Oh my!  What a great day out for you, GARDENBIRDER!  Hugging

  • Yes, Scylla, a great day; definitely one to remember. Went to RSPB Arne Friday morning where Alison and friend were stationed on a bench overlooking the Wareham Channel, one of the favourite fishing spots for the Poole Osprey family and for Ospreys passing through. Definitely saw 4 Ospreys in the air at the same time, sometimes seeing 3 or 4 flying so close together that they were all in the binocular view at the same time--wonderful. We had half a dozen (more or less) views of Ospreys through the morning. However there is no way of telling if our sightings were those same 4 birds returning in various combinations or if each view was of completely different Ospreys. All Ospreys were a bit too distant to definitely distinguish them, although one did appear to be a juvenile judging by colour and by it making many dives, most of which were aborted and only 2 or3 of which actually hit the water, but it did not get a fish. One Osprey did catch a small fish and fly off with it. Alison can correct me if I've mis-represented what we'd seen! Apparently a White-tailed Eagle flew over after we left, but since I never expected ever to see one and we had seen one on Wednesday, I am still happy! A lovely week in Dorset but we are off for home later today so must get some sleep...fingers crossed that we can do it all over again in a year's time.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Nothing to correct there, Ann, an excellent summary. We kept trying to leave but more ospreys kept appearing! Then the eagle...

    A very exciting morning, and lovely to see you both again.