News from Other Nests 2021



I'd been posting in "Forum Friends", here's a snap brought over, for the sake of starting this thread with something!

  • Oh thank you, SANDRA - I just came back here having found some of that info but you've completed it. 

    That's Samson lost from NEFL and now Harriet from SWFL Disappointed relieved

    Sandra P said:
    M15 is/has been doing a great job defending, protecting and bringing food to the nest for E21 and E22. He is amazing!

    He was a strikingly amazing character from the very beginning when he took over in Ozzie's absence Blue heart

  • Yes, M15 was a perfect replacement for Ozzie...

    This female intruder caused mayhem yesterday, actually landing on the nest twice to eat some of the leftover food. She warned the E's off. It wasn't pleasant to watch when M15 fought with her on the nest to evict her, Those poor babies were under talons during the melee - no harm was done, thankfully!

  • Well I am shocked at the disappearance of Harriet. My last snap was clearly of M15 feeding the eaglets, taken on 6 Feb. The website doesn't seem to display information about this nest as much as it used to, although I managed to fund some old videos. M15 is clearly doing a splendid job. Here's a snap from just now.

    (c) SWFEC

  • Hello Korky,

    I'm surprised that the webcam page hasn't got a banner with news of Harriet's disappearance.  

    The Hancock Wildlife Foundation page is a great resource for updated info/pics/videos for Bald Eagle cameras/nests in North America here

  • Tonight on BBC Radio 4 at 9pm: omnibus edition of The Flight of the Ospreys.

    2nd half next Friday 24th.

  • Here is a piece of Lady Hawk's video showing M15 driving the female intruder off the nest, where she'd been eating the EEs' food!  (I've tested the link and it should take you past the "irrelevant" first 10+ minutes to just before the action.)

  • SW Florida Bald Eagles

    The intruding female is still there, she has been "named" R23-3, I think.  M15 is faithful to his EEs:

    He had brought them a fish but it seemed too tough/stiff/dry for the youngster to handle:

    The female's gammy foot:


    Some dramas today, including a human intrusion (well intentioned?), covered on Hancock by Androcat (mainly) and Suemac.

  • Lady Hawk's footage of the woman with carrier bag (probably of fish) arriving and leaving, someone said she was shouted at from Dick Pritchett's office ???


    Evening - but Suemac reported "1910 R23-3 flies northwest!"

  • Some close views of E21 & E22 - I don't think they've eaten much today.


    (Oops, left unposted since yesterday!)

  • The difference in size!  Gender?  Dominance?

    Breakfish - but it seemed to disappear into the nest!  I could just pick out the tailfin, then nothing, no-one ate, M flew upstairs.  The smaller E kept out of the way the whole time.

    Tailfin disappeared:

    I think they both had a go at it later - but the fish that have been brought seem to have been too tough for the EEs to deal with themselves and M, for whatever reasons, isn't feeding them.

    Later he brought in a tenderer fish, this time he stayed and fed them - or one of them, anyway:

    BTW - I had an accident yesterday and lost the footage, but I saw R23-3 eating on the nest and pecking at the juvies - then she started feeding one of them!

    Anyone who really wants to know what's going on will have to skip over to Hancock, where there is an army of followers and the SWF team.