News from Other Nests 2021



I'd been posting in "Forum Friends", here's a snap brought over, for the sake of starting this thread with something!

  • 01 August

    Tweed Valley

    I've had to switch it off, but here were all 3 this morning:


    Two waiting for breakfish:

    3 fishes:

    No sighting of 3 juvies together, so far.

  • Thank you Scylla - it's good to have captures. Floppin power lines though, sigh
  • #4 Sääksilive (Osprey Cam in Finland)

    Another strange thing happened at #4 Sääksilive (Osprey Cam in Finland)..

    After the bizarre incident last week (with mum attacking her kids), which was resolved finally after a lot of food for mum who finally started feeding her kids again.. today UNJ (Jouko) fledged... after being spooked by an intruder..

    It shows how every nest is different and nothing goes according to a set plan..

    Probably why we like watching it too, if they were all the same, we'd get bored pretty quickly to I guessWink

    This was the intruder btw.. reason enough to fly and hide ...

  • Wow, was the fledge successful, did the youngster return? Which one was it, one initially pancaked.. is that a goshawk?
  • Hi Scylla, re the Alyth nest, I’ve scrolled back the last 12 hours and there are definitely only 2 juveniles around. Not looking good for #3.

    I’ve just rewatched your video on 28th July when the ringed parent bird took the youngster over the nest, still holding onto the fish. I’d hate to think the youngster is lying down there somewhere with no one even looking for it.  

  • Yes, GLIDER - it's so frustrating not knowing where to fnd the low-down on this nest.

    Twice today I've thought I've found 3 on the nest but it turned out each time that one of them was female delivering fish and hanging around instead of flying straight off.

    Bart molenaar said:
    today UNJ (Jouko) fledged... after being spooked by an intruder..

    Well they both flew off very strongly indeed!

    (That silhouette looks like a Goshawk's to me, but I'm a very bad ID-er.)

    Thanks for sharing !!!

  • Hi Scylla, has no one seen the youngster that went over the nest with parent the other day?

  • #4 Sääksilive (Osprey Cam in Finland)

    It's such a drama.
    I haven't seen Jouko (UNJ) yet (and yes, that is the one the first pancaked).
    The only one on the nest was it's sibling (UNA) up to this morning 7 am when dad brought fish, mum took off with it and una returns a moment later to the nest...

    I can see potentially 4 ospreys flying, but they are flying all over the area and screen, and it's hard to tell (and no confirmation in the (finish, sigh, have to open it in windows to translate instead of on my ipad) chat..
    It's so interesting to see what happens to Jouko: She was forced into fledging and might have been stuck on another tree, she could have been killed (I hope not and I have my spirits up after, hopefully) seeing 4 ospreys flying)
    But the tension is very high in this nest these couple of days, and I think the intruder is still in the area, so she might think it safer to postpone the return.

    It does look like a (female) goshawk to me too, but like you I'm not good at it.. In the chat they are calling it a sea eagle, but I don't believe that (too long a tail)

  • I also believe we are only seeing 2 juveniles at the Alyth nest. Yesterday (1 August) was a bumper day for fish with deliveries throughout the morning. I also managed to get a good screen grab of Mum showing her ring Blue HK0. This is a Scottish female ringed in 2014 at Loch Awe (Ref UK Ospreys).  HK0 had arrived with a fish but took off with it as the juvenile was already in possession of 2 fish from earlier deliveries.

    Alyth 1 Aug 2022

  • Janni said:
    I also managed to get a good screen grab of Mum showing her ring Blue HK0. This is a Scottish female ringed in 2014 at Loch Awe (Ref UK Ospreys).  HK0 had arrived with a fish but took off with it as the juvenile was already in possession of 2 fish from earlier deliveries.

    She was also on the nest when the 2 juvies were there and for a split second I thought I'd found all 3 juvies - I'll be having another look today.