WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) Sunday, October 17, 2020

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  • OG - forgotten now - were EEs shoulders sore after his jabs? Glad they're better now.

  • OG - have you got any thoughts about Js arm? It seemed to come on suddenly..
    I had booster and flu jab on Monday. Sore injection sites for 24 hours, then fine.
  • It's with satisfaction I hear about baking and cooking of bacon pinwheels, improved croquettes, heavy stew pots about to be used, etc. and stocking up on future meals. Very cozy and sounds delicious!

    Pat O, I'm just as busy in retirement, too. But I find I am doing more of what I want when I want to do it. It is great of you to help others until they take you for granted...it is a fine line!

    The goldfinch photo has made me want to put up my winter feeders now that the scourge of birds here has diminished and my feeders are washed clean. Favorite snow day activity is watching birds at the feeder!

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • Morning all: Off to AZ this morning. Will keep an eye on everyone when I get a minute! :-) Back home Monday.
  • Have a good time, Annette! Drive safely.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Enjoy your trip, Annette!! Good journey.
  • Is ANNETTE flying to AZ? I think she is going to pick up her OH s car
  • HEATHER: She must be either flying or renting a car that she can turn in where her family lives.
  • Not been on since beginning of week. Trying to catch up with all your news.

    Just to wish Annette a safe journey. Enjoy trip to AZ.

    Finally we had the diabetic nurse ring up and arrange an appointment to see OH re insulin injections, so coming
    next Wednesday to go over it all. He's still very tired and no energy,.
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