WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) Sunday, October 17, 2020

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  • Diane, the cost of data varies widely, according usually to how you access it and what tariff you're on for your mobile (cell phone).

    At least Facebook is free!

    Edit : I'm not in the hairdressers as she made a mistake in her bookings so I'm going in after lunch. 

  • HEATHER - did no tatties this year. From now on no more beans, peas or courgettes. Still haven't decided what we do want. J's arm is still very painful - not sure what to do for it. I am not going to Morrisons with E-E this afternoon but will keep on the move at home.

    Good to get E-E doing some cleaning yesterday - hope he'll do his share more regularly now he is spending less time in the garden. I've been looking at Lakeland Christmas catalogue - but didn't manage to get enthused!
  • Ooh, I love their Christmas catalogue- hope mine is on its way!

    Sorry to hear about Js arm.
  • Afternoon everyone.

    Thanks for the lovely welcome to the group.

    I joined RSPB last year but didn't really stay on much.

    Have just spent 8 days in hospital and am thankfully home and recovering, building my strength up so am enjoying my favourite hobby. Bird watching and wanting to come back on here and make new friends.

    It is another strange weather day in South Wales.

    Sun is out but we having heavy showers and very windy.

    Hope everyone is well and having a lovely Wednesday.

    Kath Kissing heartKissing heart
  • Morning all:

    Kath1977:  Birdwatching should be part of everyone's rehab routine.  Continue to feel better and don't stay a stranger.  

    Diane:  That video is simply WONDERFUL and such a lovely way to start the day.  Thank you! What super people. :-))  The video is so clear - a new iPhone perhaps?  

    AQ:  I want that T-shirt about the universe, though these days I suspect there are more morons than protons, neutrons, etc...   That's an anxious-looking Plains Wanderer in one of the pix; not surprising when it's endangered.  Feel a tad anxious myself for the same reason.  :-)

  • Annette - Are you really an endangered species? Hope not ...

    I wanted that t-shirt as well, until I thought it might mean I considered myself a moron. But I'd risk it for the fun!

    Kath - Keep enjoying the birdwatching, and hope you are back to full health very soon. I spend a lot of time looking out of my window at the birds - helps to keep me sane.

    Sorry I've been a bit absent - how is it that a retired person is busier than she's ever been in her life, and people are still asking for more?!?!? Must learn to say 'no' - good job I've always been a fairly organised person and things seem to get done. Perhaps I'm the only one who is exhausted making any sure other people are not inconvenienced by inefficiency on my part. My daily To Do list seems to get longer every day, even though things do get removed. Hey ho ...
  • PatO:  Seems like the entire planet is endangered these days.  Yes, the old question of How did we ever manage to hold down a full-time job and still do all (fill in the blank).  I wonder if some people even notice how much they've not been inconvenienced thanks to your efforts.  

  • I think there are showers all over the UK today, Kath. Its certainly done its best here! I hope your recovery goes well. A good idea to find things to do which you wouldn't normally find time for!! I did it the other way around, and got involved on watching Ospreys before I discovered all the great things you can find out on this Site! Then I joined the RSPB.

    Been for my haircut which has made me feel a whole lot better. The hairdresser was mystified about the mix up over our appointment but never mind. She can be a little muddled, I think. But a great hairdresser:-)

    My OH has been for his flu jab, as he found out that a local chemist is giving them on a walk in basis. He now has an appointment for his booster jab next week - in another town but never mind.
  • Thanks everyone for the well wishes, it has been such a horrendous and scary time. My husband has picked up my sick note from my GP so have got another week off work thankfully.

    Am currently watching 3 wood pigeons scaring my huge family of goldfinches in the garden...RoflRoflRofl

    My birds have been such a saviour to me since I started on the first lockdown and now I am totally obsessed.

    Have spent an absolute fortune but it has kept me sane.

    Kath xxx
  • Oh, and my OH has also---- Been to the chemist to collect our prescriptions. Been to our Doctors practice with a sample from me -- Been to get some cash -- Collected our altered curtains, brought them home and put them up (with advice from me). And been to buy milk & bread whilst I was in the hairdressers, then collected me!

    Of course, in between he has walked the dog twice, had two conversations about forthcoming golf games, carried lots of clothes upstairs for me, and made cups of tea! Phew!!
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