Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 September 2021

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  • Clare: Yay! Glad you made it home.
  • Hi all, better late than never. Just been trying to catch up with your various bits of news. Always good to read what you have all been doing.

    Not a lot happening here. OH.s appointment is tomorrow so hopefully she will do an assessment and try and get to the
    bottom of why his is so tired all the time..
    We have been plodding along as usual.

    Clare, hope the trip to Mull went as expected and that you managed to do all you wanted to.

    Hope the rest of you are keeping well, or as well as can be expected. Take care now. Will look in again.
  • Sharp increase in covid cases in Victoria but not all is gloomy in Melbourne - The peregrine falcons nesting at 367 Collins St hatched their first chick this morning.
  • Hallo all:

    Lindybrd: "A more slow and steady kind of life" sounds wonderful. Sign me up.  

    Clare: Good to read that Limpy is doing well with the driving and that you had no trouble getting home, plus a sidetrip to Saltholme.

    PatO: Plan B sounds perfect.

    Lynette:  Fingers crossed doc will sort out your OH.

    CC: I hope the line dancing was worth the 6-hour drive, but hadn't hear of "soul" line dancing. I have Motown on Pandora along with Steely Dan and popular hits from the 60s on. Music helps me pick up the pace when I'm out walking..    What kind of art work were you doing on the islandl?

    OG: So sorry you had a meltdown!  It just get all so overwhelming at times doesn't it?  Was intrigued about the new church volunteer but apparently it's not the newletter person (who couldn't wait to snatch it away from you!).  Has "her" newsletter made an appearance yet?  But reading back, nice to get the visit from SiL.  Hope daughter and granddaughters various issues are resolved. How long will it take GD's appeal to be processed?  There are exercises for sciatica; it's a pain in the you-know-where!

    National network news just about finished so it's safe to venture into the kitchen.  They spend 25 minutes alarming everyone and then have the nerve to finish with some "inspiring" news that's supposed to make up for all the drama.  We'll watch Deutsche Welle and then the PBS News Hour, but even the latter can be a bit doom-and-gloom.  Used to watch the BBC but it's all American news these days.

    Take care all.

  • Just a thought

    A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour.

  • Good Morning. Wild, windy and wet, here. Glad we're off home!

    Lynette, I hope things go well. Clare, so pleased you're home and can now look back on your adventures.
  • Good morning, all.  If anyone would like to see a few photos from our visit to RSPB Saltholme last week then click on this chilled-out animal:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Wonderful pictures as always, Clare. Thank you. I've been to that area many times but never to the reserve. It's on my list for next time I'm around there!
  • Washing machine has arrived – just being tested – hope it works, 3 week washing pile is plenty!

    LINDA – hope your journey home is a smooth one with no incidents on the road. We bought tulips at garden centre last week – thought I was much later than usual, but still not planted!

    PAT – pleased about new walks – and I am sure café will be good too!

    DIANE – we like Wales, but it always seems to involve getting round a corner on the map first – by Bristol or Wirral. We really enjoyed the last time there – including Dyfi and Glaslyn.

    CLARE – glad you found fuel – and enjoyed Saltholme again. Haven’t been there since they built facilities. Liked the photos from last week visit and glad Limpy booked the scooter for this time.

    LYNETTE – sorry your OH is so tired, but I think that is a normal symptom of the diabetes and several of his other conditions which you have mentioned.

    ANNETTE – newsletter/magazine person is due back from holiday today, but church administrator has sent round an updating timetable for services and meetings. Dau is fine when exercising – just pain when she sits, stands or lies still.

    Can hear the washing machine gently humming - yeay!
  • Unknown said:
    enjoyed Saltholme again. Haven’t been there since they built facilities.

    You should go back.  We didn't have enough time to explore the rest of the reserve - just the circuit of the lake, plus the Saltholme Pools hide where we saw the merlin.  The buggy Limpy hired is a lovely big one with a lockable box on the back - and they only wanted £3 for the hire, which is brilliant value (Limpy insisted they take £5).  The cafe is upstairs in the Visitor Centre and you'll be pleased to know there's a lift.  We'll certainly be going back - and not necessarily on our way to Scotland, either.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

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