Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 August 2021


Can you believe it will be September this coming week?!!! I hope everyone has a safe and serene week. 

I keep trying to get back here to catch up with everyone, but I'm not having much luck. When I arrived back from Indianapolis, I had a long To-Do List of critical tasks. I'm slowly working through it. I'll try to stop in on Monday and do some replies.

Lindy: Have a good time in Wales. 

The 17-year cicadas are long gone, but now our regular August annual cicadas are screaming at the top of their little lungs in the trees. One day when I was dog-sitting, I looked down in horror to see that the smallest dog had vomited up a HUGE pile of cicada parts onto the carpet! She'd been feasting on the bugs outdoors. Oh...it was disgusting!!! Would you think that this innocent little doggy could create such an unholy mess?!!!

  • Wonderful sea air, and not too many tourists  :-)

  • Looks peaceful LIndybird regardless of format.  Hope you're doing okay.   I had to Google 'boiled fruit cake.'   Hmmm.  Not sure about 'candied fruit.'

    OG:  Glad you and EE are takng what must be a diffcult stand re the church work. 

    Heather:  I need your family to come over and cook meals for me.  :-)    Any special reason for famly gathering?  Birthdays??

    AQ;  Dentist visit no fun then (well, silly me, when is it ever?).   I have the luxury of knowing well in advance when family is coming given that they live so far away so don't have to keep emergency snacks on hand. 

  • LINDY Nice pics anyway....nomatter the shape.
  • OG - So pleased you and EE are stepping back from overwhelming church work. You can't support other people if you are exhausted trying to support yourselves. I'm sure it was not an easy decision, but I'm equally sure it was the right one. Now I need to borrow EE to see if he can persuade me to take similar decisions. I am still producing a weekly church news sheet of around 8-9 pages ... I volunteered at the beginning of lockdown, almost eighteen months ago, thinking it would be for two or three months ... wrong! Now people are saying, 'You're not going to give up, are you?' And there are so many other things I do, all with tight deadlines and all of which have to be produced at top quality. I know I need to trim what I do - but it's not easy. I enjoy everything I do and would not give up anything willingly. But like most people, there are only twenty-four hours in my day and only seven days in my week ... and I'm not getting any younger! I've never been good at decisions ...

    Just spent the day with my five year old great-nephew - such fun, but soooo exhausting! And tomorrow I'll do it all again. And the next day I'll drive 150 miles home for a rest!
  • I must add my relief that OG and EE are giving up having too many obligations and there will be less pressure on their time. Its always the same, isn't it? -- I knew someone once who was stuck with being a Treasurer for a society, and who could not give it up because they felt obliged to find a replacement before they left. This went on for months and years..... eventually bad health meant that they were obliged to give it up, anyway.
  • Good morning, all.  If anyone would like to see some photos of the Manton Bay osprey family click on the stunning Maya:

    I'll be posting photos of the rest of the wildlife I saw later today.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare - Thank you as ever for such wonderful photographs. A super way to start my day!
  • HEATHER – I hope s-i-l has a safe trip and is not too bored in his hotel quarantine. Adelaide is a lovely friendly city (of course I’m not biased!). Again no new covid cases reported in SA today.

    OG – A big decision but probably high time you & EE stepped back and let others take on duties. {{{HUGS}}}

    ANNETTE – Candied peel? Not in my recipe, OH dislikes peel and I add extra sultanas. If I were to check original recipe, mine is probably nothing like!

    PAT – Until you announce “Next month I’m stopping” (or whenever), a volunteer goes on & on & on. Short sharp amputation is best; they will find someone else; a new star is born; and you will have some time for Self.

    I ventured on bus to City this morn, first time since May. Almost everyone on bus, in streets & shops were masked (as mandated). I purchased 2 books for Miss-soon-to-be-10’s birthday plus one for her C-mas gift. On weekend she brought a Book Week catalogue with one item circled (I suspect Dau told her to ask me for 1 only). It was a 500-piece jigsaw about minerology, so that’s the subject of one book. For myself I bought 3 more cloth masks as it seems they are here to stay and I am forever washing & drying. My favourite camomile tea and home in time for lunch, nanny nap.

    Schools celebrate the annual Book Week by a parade by children, dressed to represent their favourite book. Again, due to covid, no parents or visitors to watch. The Trio are well trained – they choose their book according to available costume in Dau’s collection. Naturally MissL dresses as a cat, MissJ as a dog.* Miss9 chose a book about a girl going camping, thus shorts, sunhat, backpack.
    * The book “How Much is That Doggie in the Window?” must be well used. How many times did I read & sing it during nanny duty over the years?