WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY AUGUST 22, 2021

Hallo all.  Just back to hotel from day with friend.

Rosy:  Sounds like an exciting day for the 12-iyear-old.

I'll be here for another night, then heading hom early Monday.....

Have a good Sunday everyone.

  • Thank you ANNETTE - Hope you have a good journey home !
  • If anyone would like to see some photos from Titchwell Marshes click on this gleaming beetle:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Thank you so much, Clare. Wonderful pictures, as always. I could have done without the beetle ... but I guess he has a sort of beauty which I can't see! A lovely picture all the same.

    Hope everyone is keeping well. Yet again I have been reading everything but no time to respond. Where does the time go? Or do I mean, where does the work come from?

    Have a good week, everyone.
  • I couldn't resist the beetle .......... especially on being told it's a bloody-nose beetle! How have I been alive for so long without hearing of one of these?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I love the beetle! Not looked at the rest of your pics yet, Clare.

    AQ - Hello! I wasn't ignoring you earlier, it's just that I've been doing lots of things today. Your neighbours might be the opposite - stern stepfather & his (the child's) own mother. Find it hard to imagine you being cold, there! We've been struggling, here. It's been so cold I've been drying our towels in the conservatory.
  • OG -- Sorry things are still difficult for you. Try to take it slow.

    Annette - Safe journey back.
  • Just a thought

    You don't always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go, and see what happens. (Mandy Hale)

  • Hello all
    AQ - I don't like noisy neighbours, there is a dog next door who hates hearing me if I'm pottering about in the garden. He throws himself against the fence and barks very loud ly. However, I am less tolerant of human noise, radios playing etc. And why do my neighbours have to shout outside when they are only a couple of feet away from each other ?!!!I
    OG - I can imagine how you would get frustrated when your plans are disrupted. It must be hard enough for EE when most things fall to him, without not knowing when the nurse will arrive. It isn't the same thing, but I remember the daily midwife visits after the children were born. A mad rush to bath yourself, bath the baby all before 9am. Then she might arrive, or sometimes later in the day !
  • Good morning - back to real summer weather today - even window cleaner is here to begin what should remain a dry week (still no sign of painter). Kitchen laundry door was finished Saturday! Nurse expected some time today. Life goes on.. Had a letter from NHS last week (the one I expected last year) to say I am at risk so we should all three get double vaccinated - which we have been for months!
  • How ridiculous, OG! Another example of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing.

    Good Morning Everyone (just) - its still morning to me until I get to eat something for lunch. Clare, love your pictures, you did have another successful visit I can see. Love the skylark - we never get to see one close up! and I do love their beautiful, heartrending song.

    Its been busy, busy here:  the sun finally came out and we decided to do garden work. My OH has cut down a full third off the height of our famous plum tree. It only had about a dozen plums this year, but that's not why we are pruning it.  Over the years its become taller and taller, and even if it has plums on the higher branches, we can't reach them. It blocks out the light a bit from our small garden and looks unkempt.   So out came the ladder, and as I held my breath my OH sawed and chopped until there were a lot of branches on the lawn.

    Then I helped him to chop them up and I put the smaller bits into bags, whilst he hauled the bigger branches out to the front of the house so that he can now go to the Tip with it all. A good job done.  Only the apple tree left to do, which in spite of being ages old, is very vigorous.  I really don't know what my OH will do when he can no longer climb a ladder as he will absolutely hate having to pay anyone to do it.!