Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 8 August 2021


The moon turns new tomorrow (Sunday). I hope everyone has a joyful, healthy, and safe week!

  • OG, it was I who had bad bruises from a blood sample. It didn't feel too bad at the time, but has spread and been very colourful since. Its now the size of a mobile phone on the inside of my elbow and is a fetching purple colour, having been black, purple & beige for a few days. <sigh>

    I'll have to make sure I wear blouses with sleeves in them before people ask me what I've done. A letter waiting for me at home said that they'd found I was Vitamin D deficient, which I was astounded about as I've been taking a supplement for a couple of years. But apparently I need to double the dose -shrug-
  • Lindybird: Sorry about the 'so near yet so far' drive home. I guess just be thankful that poor soul didn't pull out in front of you guys. Re the bruise, purple now but soon to be green and yellow!
  • Yes, Annette, I was thankful - if we had not stopped for a comfort break halfway, we might have been 5 minutes earlier and been involved. You never know.
    On our local online gossip pages, there were enquiries about the road closures and I was able to pin point the problem for those people unable to get home, just around the corner from us.

    Back to Caernarfon, by the way: I was charmed there by the sight of the large roundabouts, which are usually ablaze with bright bedding plants at this time of year. However, someone in high places has experimented and they are alive with the most beautiful wildflowers, daisies, red poppies and something yellowish. Such a good idea!

  • They call it 'rewilding', Lindy. It's happening all over the place. The more cynical among us may call it council cuts. There are many road junctions around here where the verges and bushes have not been cut at all this season and are completely blocking vision when trying to turn right or left. It's causing a lot of near misses because you just can't see oncoming traffic. I had a very close shave a few weeks ago when I couldn't see to turn right at a T junction and, after edging out, went. Fortunately the car racing up behind me saw me in plenty of time - well, my car is rather a bright colour! I went past that same junction about a week later and the verge and the bushes had been cut. I guess someone reported it ... why didn't I think of that?!?!? Rewilding is lovely in open spaces, but really dangerous along roads.
  • Hi all and thank you Diane for starting us off. Glad to see you have a probable commission and hope it comes to fruition.

    Annette - been seeing the terrible wildfires in Greece but also in California - do hope that you are some distance from them but it musn't be pleasant for those it is affecting.

    OG - pleased to see you posting again. Slow and steady wins the race back to reasonable health. Pleased to hear that kitchen is virtually finished and that J has an interview for a job.

    Lindybird - like the photos of Caenarvon, brings back memories.

    Thank you to others for their snippits of news.
  • Lynette: We watch European News (Deutsche World) in the evenings as well as our usual US favorites. Had no idea about the Greek fires until we saw them on DW. Too much happening in this crazy country. :-(
  • CLARE Lovely that Helen is doing well. OG Hope Js interview also went well.
  • Just a thought

    People change and forget to tell each other. (Lillian Hellman)

  • Good Morning. Dry here but cloudy.

    Pat, that's terrible if they don't cut hedges. I realised that the wildflowers idea was cheaper than putting out bedding plants, but it was so pretty & I'm sure was appreciated by the passers by.

    We are waiting to see what happened at the traffic accident near us - apparently three vehicles involved. It's happened at a dangerous junction but that will be resolved soon as they are building 250 new houses in the fields there and it will mean creating a new traffic roundabout for all the extra traffic, incorporating the place where it happened.
  • Annette: heartbreaking pictures on our news of people in both Greece and Italy having to evacuate their villages and towns as the fires are so widespread and fierce. What a terrible thing fire is.