Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 8 August 2021


The moon turns new tomorrow (Sunday). I hope everyone has a joyful, healthy, and safe week!

  • We see a lot of coverage of the fires in Greece, perhaps because we have many of Greek descent here. The images are a terrifying reminder of the Mallacoota fires Dec 2019.
  • Last night was Aussie census night. Grumpy reluctantly co-operated when I suggested the paper version. If we had attempted the online version, methinks we would have been timed out long before he answered all the not-so-difficult questions. I wonder who completed the forms for those in hospital on ventilators? Positive covid cases in NSW still far too high and Victoria has too many mystery cases. Fingers crossed SA remains clear.
  • Good morning. No mid-evening train for J yesterday so OH drove to D’fies t o pick him up. He seemed quite positive – won’t know anything for at least a week. This turned our evening on its head, so had to sort some catching up this morning - after I first woke EE at 2 to ask if it was time to get up! Lunch will now be late, and this afternoon he will be going shopping in Morrisons which will bring freezer stocks up to date.

    CLARE – good to see Helen has settled into her new job. You sound much happier about her now.

    LINDA – pleased Sue is taking another opportunity for time away – how is Toffee? Glad you missed the accident – but annoying to be turned around so near home. Like to see wildflower roundabouts – I wonder if the yellow was Rattle? It is apparently a good indicator of rewilding. Surprised to see you are short of Vit D being an outdoor person.

    LYNETTE – slow and steady would be good, but I shall be happy to see some progress – I seem to have come home with a lot more problems that I went in with!

    AQ – glad you made sure the OH got counted!
  • Thanks to all for news etc. Good that OG is home again but sorry to read about more problems.
    Things here are a bit chaotic, mostly because there are six of us living in a house that has more living space than sleeping space !Upstairs, two large bedrooms and a third small one which is an office. Downstairs, sitting room, dining room, family room and a large conservatory. A bit bottom heavy, to say the least. So Sam has a folding bed in the sitting room and the rest of us are sharing the upstairs. As the children get older it will be impossible but I'm not thinking that far ahead...
  • OG - Sorry to hear you are now fighting on many fronts. I hope your doctor is keeping an eye on you.

    AQ - We had the same problem here, with the census. My OH abdicated all responsibility to me and so I did it online in the end. I could have cut him out of my life without his knowledge, LOL!! I ask him sometimes who is going to be his personal secretary if I pop off this mortal coil before him, but he seems to think that our Youngest, who lives many miles away, will be able to help with all things which need to be done online. As this is fast becoming nearly everything, it will be interesting .... He is still ordering his medication by dropping bits of paper into the surgery but they are reluctant to be of assistance with this much as we are still discouraged from appearing there in person. It's like the Marie Celeste at our local medical practice now.
  • Quote I heard this morning:

    "Never use a computer too large to be thrown out of the window."
  • Lindybird said:
    We had the same problem here, with the census. My OH abdicated all responsibility to me and so I did it online in the end.

    I invariably do ours.  Limpy avoids any kind of form-filling like the plague!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Having read the above. . . what use are our OHs. Only joking. Mine does pull a few weeds and take out the rubbish between snoozing. I must remember his medication makes him drowsy. This week he has been busily “flinging” and there is S p a c e in his junk room. Now my junk room aka computer room is a different story LOL. But I did find a box of my paperwork, cuttings & now-useless stuff in garage and transferred most of it to yellow bin for tomorrow’s recycling collection. I have removed so many plastic sleeves I could set up a stationary shop!

    ACT (Canberra) going into Lockdown this afternoon for a week after one positive case in community. Too bad NSW didn’t start with a short sharp lockdown. Our Royal Adelaide Show has been cancelled as too unsafe with crowds mingling.

  • It’s your cat’s world; you’re just here to open cans.

    In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this. (Terry Pratchett)

    People who hate cats, will come back as mice in their next life. (Faith Resnick)