Link to July 2021

History of Ospreys at Loch of the Lowes

Webcam page with links to LotL Visitor Centre and Wildlife Reserve FB, Twitter and Blogs >>>


All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes


Arrival dates: Laddie - 21st March  NC0 - 25th March

Three eggs laid: Egg #1 - 11.4.21  Egg #2 - 14.4.21  Egg #3 - 17.4.21

Hatch dates: Chick #1 - 18.5.21 (37 days)  Chick #2 - 20.5.21 (36 days)  Chick #3 - 22.5.21 (35 days)

25.5.21 - Third chick passed away Broken heart

22.6.21 - Chicks ringed: #1 - LR1 (female) #2 - LR2 (male)

Ringing Blog: Meet out newly ringed osprey chicks - LR1 and LR2

26.6.21 - NC0 catches a fish

PT4(19) arrives back in the UK. Blog by Joanna Dailey: An important visitor - Kielder Ospreys

9.7.21 - LR1 fledged at 52 days old, 17:01. Blog: First Osprey Chick LR1 Fledges

Blog: We have lift off

12.7.21 - LR2 fledged at 53 days old, c17:40. Blog: LR2 fledges

15.8.21 -  LR1 migrated at 89 days old. Blog: LR1 has left on migration

22.8.21 - NC0 migrated. Blog: NC0 has left on migration

FR2(15) seen back in Scotland for the first time: Link

Laddie and LR2 migrated. Last seen on the nest: Laddie - 25.8.21 (c20:32), LR2 (98 do) - 26.8.21 (c20:08) 

Blog: Farewell LM12 and LR2

Blog: Osprey Watch 2021 - a look at the data

3.9.21 - LR2 sighted in Southern Spain

25.10.21 - LR2 still in Southern Spain


As the 2021 Osprey season at Loch of the Lowes enters its final stage, it is reassuring to know how very well LR1 and LR2 are faring in the build-up to their first migration. Laddie (LM12) and NC0 (who, it is thought, will soon start her long journey south) are continuing to provide for, and protect, these wonderful (and loud!), young juveniles. Last month, it was fantastic to see the confidence in both LR1 and LR2 when they took to the sky for the first time, as well as watching them practise their spectacular diving skills into the Loch - sights to behold! With only a short number of precious weeks that we have remaining viewing Laddie, NC0 and their family on the webcam, let us hope everything continues to go well.

  • scylla said:

    Anyway - the point is - while searching I did find a REDSTART (I hope y'all agree!):


    I did wonder what that birdie was, Scylla! 

    Thank you for trying to find the flyaway from the 23rd, so sorry it's causing you problems. It was very quick and I could only get my snaps on 0.25 speed. I do hope a timestamp is added next season, it would make our lives a little easier.

    Just checked through and found an Osprey on the far left branch of the birch, it may have been eating. 

    It flew from across from the other side of the Loch and landed at around 12:52ish

    It made possible contact? calls on landing


    13:25ish Can just about make out a white chest

    It flew downwards (between the two branches in this pic)

    Headed off left around the birch

    I wonder if this was Laddie?


  • 13:53 LR2 screeched onto the nest


    Up to the perch

    The cam zoomed in for a brief moment later within his visit

    14:26 He flew off across the Loch, went upwards and out of cam view


  • I presume they didn't have the staff to give us more zooms, which would have been super - the resolution isn't high enough for cropping, it looks so grainy.

    I'm packing up now.
  • 16:28 LR2 on the nest. He arrived screeching to the perch at 15:25ish. A couple of bursts of distant chipping could be heard at that time too.

    His arrival

    Onto the nest, fish calling


    Back to the perch

    (Cont'd on the next post)


  • Flew off directly left at 16:42, taking a stick from the centre of the nest with him


  • SANDRA thanks for your news/links re;NC0
  • You're welcome, Patily :)
  • A brief visit by LR2 at 17:42ish. It looked like he'd had a bath

    Onto the perch for a matter of seconds

    And then away across the Loch


  • A live fish from Laddie at 17:48ish. It was very much a struggle to grab the flapping fish from Laddie as well as to stop it from going over the edge of the nest. Thank goodness he persevered!

    LR2 had arrived at the nest (from the birch) moments before. I assume he saw Laddie approaching rather than shooing off a visitor!

    His pesky foe (bottom, left) was bothering him

    After waiting quite a while with his fish, he finally left and took it to the birch

    (Apologies for the delay with pics, I lost my internet half way through posting and had to start again!)


  • 20:32 A headless fish from Laddie. LR2 flew from the birch to receive it. I noticed that Laddie had blood on his right leg/talons, hopefully that's from the fish and not from a cut below his knee joint!

    Cropped and resized pic from above

    LR2 'told' Laddie to leave!

    Laddie headed to the birch and landed in the area marked

    To be continued...
