Link to July 2021

History of Ospreys at Loch of the Lowes

Webcam page with links to LotL Visitor Centre and Wildlife Reserve FB, Twitter and Blogs >>>


All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes


Arrival dates: Laddie - 21st March  NC0 - 25th March

Three eggs laid: Egg #1 - 11.4.21  Egg #2 - 14.4.21  Egg #3 - 17.4.21

Hatch dates: Chick #1 - 18.5.21 (37 days)  Chick #2 - 20.5.21 (36 days)  Chick #3 - 22.5.21 (35 days)

25.5.21 - Third chick passed away Broken heart

22.6.21 - Chicks ringed: #1 - LR1 (female) #2 - LR2 (male)

Ringing Blog: Meet out newly ringed osprey chicks - LR1 and LR2

26.6.21 - NC0 catches a fish

PT4(19) arrives back in the UK. Blog by Joanna Dailey: An important visitor - Kielder Ospreys

9.7.21 - LR1 fledged at 52 days old, 17:01. Blog: First Osprey Chick LR1 Fledges

Blog: We have lift off

12.7.21 - LR2 fledged at 53 days old, c17:40. Blog: LR2 fledges

15.8.21 -  LR1 migrated at 89 days old. Blog: LR1 has left on migration

22.8.21 - NC0 migrated. Blog: NC0 has left on migration

FR2(15) seen back in Scotland for the first time: Link

Laddie and LR2 migrated. Last seen on the nest: Laddie - 25.8.21 (c20:32), LR2 (98 do) - 26.8.21 (c20:08) 

Blog: Farewell LM12 and LR2

Blog: Osprey Watch 2021 - a look at the data

3.9.21 - LR2 sighted in Southern Spain

25.10.21 - LR2 still in Southern Spain


As the 2021 Osprey season at Loch of the Lowes enters its final stage, it is reassuring to know how very well LR1 and LR2 are faring in the build-up to their first migration. Laddie (LM12) and NC0 (who, it is thought, will soon start her long journey south) are continuing to provide for, and protect, these wonderful (and loud!), young juveniles. Last month, it was fantastic to see the confidence in both LR1 and LR2 when they took to the sky for the first time, as well as watching them practise their spectacular diving skills into the Loch - sights to behold! With only a short number of precious weeks that we have remaining viewing Laddie, NC0 and their family on the webcam, let us hope everything continues to go well.

  • Good morning Scylla, I so appreciate your video and really sorry you had confusion. I hope you don't mind me mentioning, but the first 3 minutes 40 seconds was from the 17th...are you able to add that to your title/insert onto the vid itself?

  • LR2, at present, is on the perch fish calling
  • Up to time of posting, no fish deliveries have been seen. Neither NC0, Laddie or LR1 have appeared either

    11:35 Great Tits were on the nest. A Woodpecker popped on (sounded like another was pecking close to the cam) and at one stage it was joined by 4 GTs

    There were Osprey calls shortly after and one landed above the cam - I assume it was LR2 - all 5 visitors departed just before. LR2 was not seen on the nest

    Edit - 12:11 Fish calling from above the cam


  • First fish of the day that I've seen, a headless one delivered by NC0 at 17:58 flying in from the birch. LR2 was on the nest to collected it

    She didn't stay long

    Tucking in


  • He left the nest, with his fish, at 18:17 and joined NC0 on the birch. Lots of squeals!

    18:22 A GSW paid a visit (back right of nest)


  • 19:49 Laddie onto an empty nest with a headless fish. LR2 made his way from the lower branch of the birch. NC0 on her one to the right

    He landed without his fish from NC0. Perhaps he'd already eaten it.

    Strange behaviour from LR2 as he really dithered (more than my pics show) as to whether or not to take the fish from Laddie or even approach him. He did grab it, eventually

    Laddie flew off heading directly left and out of view

    20:07 He's still on the nest with the fish but hasn't made a start to tuck in


  • LR2 flew from the nest with his fish at 20:11. NC0 still on her branch of the birch

    He landed on the lower branch to the left of NC0


  • Sandra P said:
    I hope you don't mind me mentioning, but the first 3 minutes 40 seconds was from the 17th...are you able to add that to your title/insert onto the vid itself?

    Tired face Tired face Tired face

    YouTube used to offer a wonderful "enhancement" feature, pluls "annotations" - both discontinued because "hardly anyone used them" (and the annotations wouldn't show up on mobile devices) - well I used them!

    Every few months I google for a new way of adding text to an uploaded video but there isn't any.  In this instance I've pinned a correction in the comments and made the video Unlisted so that no-one will stumble upon it.

    Sorry, SANDRA and all - I knew I was in big trouble at the time after accidentally deleting a session, then discovering that nothing I'd deleted that day was in the Recycle Bin even tho there was stuff in there from April 2020 Upside down  I then proceeded into a mire of research and confusion and thought I'd sorted it but obviously found the wrong afternoon.