Alas!  No pretty pictures a la Diane.  But welcome to the new week anyway.  And don't miss Lindybird's photos of cake and kiddie on last page of last week. 

  • Good Morning. Bright here, with several dry sunny days forecast. Busy as we are off to Wales again tomorrow, to prepare our holiday haunt for our Youngest and family, as they're going to have a week's break there by the sea, as soon as school breaks up. They didn't have a holiday last year, as the baby was so small, and the virus made travel difficult owing to the rules.

    Sue is coming here to see what's out in the garden this afternoon. She may bring Toffee to see how he gets on with our Bonnie.

    Have a good day everyone - Annette, enjoy your family visiting.
  • Hello everyone
    Not a lot to report, it is,sunny and warm!
    The house stuff has been sorted, by me . There was talk of me moving into a house that wouldn't be mine etc etc. All to do with tax efficiency. I won't elaborate but suffice to say, it isn't going to happen.
    Where is OG? I hope that all is well.
  • Heather - Glad you have reached a decision which you are comfortable with. Sometimes families can be very difficult ... a friend of mine, quite a lot older than I am, is going through horrible times with two of her children on one side and one on the other, fighting over her money. It's quite obscene. OK, one solution may be seen as more tax efficient, but my friend has worked all her life and now deserves to use her money as she feels is right, not as her children are demanding (not too strong a word, sadly). I fear it will split the family irrevocably, which is awful.
  • Pat. I think the term best used here is SKI. Spending the Kids Inheritance!! Good luck to her.
    It is heartbreaking. For over 20years I babysat and was first port of call for medical emergencies, we had so many family gatherings. Now, I'm a sort of add on, a wicked stepmother? I understand tax efficiency, after all, my late OH was an accountant. But recent events have left me feeling that I'm not trusted, which is more hurtful to me than words can describe.
  • I'm sorry that money is causing problems, Heather. It's nothing new, sadly. It stems from the fact that property is now getting more valuable by the minute. When my grandparents died, they left nothing but old furniture.

    Property has become the best thing to invest in, now: nothing better than bricks and mortar. That is, until you either reach a great age and pop off, or sadly you have an illness which means you need care. Then the trouble starts. People don't realise (until it happens) that we have to pay a great deal towards care, and if it's over years, this can add up: the whole of an inheritance can be swallowed up by the Local Authority. Except for something like the last 22,500 pounds. They can sell your house to pay for what you owe.

    Visitor arrived - back later.
  • Just had Sue for a visit. She is so much more relaxed now that woman has gone. She was a nasty piece. Someone seems to have found out that she has now gone to live in the Lake District, which is far enough away from here for us all to forget her existence.
  • Back to my money discussion -- So Heather, it may be that your children and step children don't like to point out that you may one day need care. Its not a very nice conversation to have with a loved one. But they may have your own interests at heart as well as trying to guard the money side of things, for all involved.

    I have had relatives who gave almost everything away, so that they didn't lose their chance to pass things on to the younger generation. I also had an uncle who lived very frugally in case he didn't have enough money to be put into somewhere comfortable as he was worried about where he would go when frail. Then he simply faded away over about ten days, and died without needing nursing! He could have had some home comforts in his last years if he'd only had a crystal ball.....
  • It's OK LINDY, I'm thankfully aware of care home fees etc. Hereabouts, upwards from £1000 weekly. I was well taught about forward financial planning by my late husband and I felt that I was being disrespected.