Alas! No pretty pictures a la Diane. But welcome to the new week anyway. And don't miss Lindybird's photos of cake and kiddie on last page of last week.
ANNETTE – Thank you for a new week. Los Angeles’ high temps appeared in our news.
LINDA – If the cake tastes as good as it looks. . . and judging by chocky face, it did!!!
Our Ash Barty and our Dylan Alcott (wheelchair) are stars at Wimbledon. Lovely when people win without tantrums.
I have finished my first library book. It was about an Aussie family’s year or so living in France in 1970s; some of the time in the south where the cyclists have been in recent days. Fascinating to read of village life “on the ground” after seeing the area from helicopter. Author became a food writer, culinary historian & academic. I was surprised to see she is at our Adelaide Uni.
The Sunday School teacher asked, “Johnny, do you say prayers before eating?” “No sir,” little Johnny replied, “I don’t have to. My mum is a good cook.”
A little girl became restless as the preacher’s sermon dragged on.Finally, she leaned over to her mother and whispered, “Mummy, if we give him the money now, will he let us go?”