Alas!  No pretty pictures a la Diane.  But welcome to the new week anyway.  And don't miss Lindybird's photos of cake and kiddie on last page of last week. 

  • ANNETTE – Thank you for a new week. Los Angeles’ high temps appeared in our news.

    LINDA – If the cake tastes as good as it looks. . . and judging by chocky face, it did!!!

    Our Ash Barty and our Dylan Alcott (wheelchair) are stars at Wimbledon. Lovely when people win without tantrums.

    I have finished my first library book. It was about an Aussie family’s year or so living in France in 1970s; some of the time in the south where the cyclists have been in recent days. Fascinating to read of village life “on the ground” after seeing the area from helicopter. Author became a food writer, culinary historian & academic. I was surprised to see  she is at our Adelaide Uni.

  • The Sunday School teacher asked, “Johnny, do you say prayers before eating?”
    “No sir,” little Johnny replied, “I don’t have to. My mum is a good cook.”

    A little girl became restless as the preacher’s sermon dragged on.
    Finally, she leaned over to her mother and whispered, “Mummy, if we give him the money now, will he let us go?”

  • Love the quotes, AQ !
    Thanks ANNETTE for starting the week
  • Thanks Annette for starting the week

    LINDY That cake looks amazing and so glad you had a great time with the family.
  • Thanks everyone- I wasn't sure how the cake would be received but they all enjoyed it. However, I had to promise never to take them one like that again, as of course it was very finger lickin' and everyone got chocolate on their clothes!
  • Thanks to Annette for beginning the thread. I hope that Diane is coping with her various tasks.

    It's cloudy here but dry. Our 1st sweet peas are coming out. I love the smell of them, and they're one of the few flowers I pick from the garden as I enjoy seeing them in situ.
  • AQ - Good to see Australia top of the tennis tree at the moment. I haven't watched the Wimbledon Ladies Final for years because I couldn't cope with the screaming! Yesterday's match was a joy. I tried to watch the Ladies Doubles but there was a very loud screamer on court so I gave up. Such a shame ...

    And I think I can get away with using both your quotes in next week's news sheet - they made me smile anyway! Thank you so much for giving us something to smile about and think about every day - it's much appreciated.
  • Annette, just seen your comment. It would have been better served in a bowl with perhaps ice cream, and eaten with a spoon, as each slice fell to pieces when you tried to pick it up! I know, I put on a couple of pounds myself just licking the spoon when making it!
  • AQ -- I was admiring the countryside scenery too, when we got to our son's yesterday. He is a keen cyclist and always watches the French competitions. Such beautiful chateaux (spelling?)

    Pat, I do so agree about the shrieking on the tennis courts. Some of the male competitors are doing it now, too!!

    Lots of fuss about the football game today. There will be such disappointment if England don't pull it off, its been built up into such a huge event. Peace might finally reign after we have the tennis final today, too, for those who hate the way sport has taken over the TV completely lately.