Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 June 2021

I hope everyone has a serene and joyful week! The June Solstice is Sunday evening or Monday depending on your location. Insert your nearest city or town in the search box on Time and Date to see the exact time for your area. 

  • Just a thought

    Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

  • Good Morning. Bright again here so not a bad day, perhaps. I'm off to collect an order from J. Lewis from a local shop, as I have bought some clothes for my grandchildren in their Sale - can't resist a bargain!

    Hoping the recent family drama can be resolved as its on several people's minds. It's a difficult one where we all seem to need to take sides, which is a shame really.

    AQ - Sympathies on the broken washing line. So annoying.
  • The beautiful centre of a recent poppy. A work of art!

  • aquilareen said:
    I have a variety of knitting ready for Tour de France this evening.

    Interesting Day 1,will make a change from usual time trial, are you starting a new knitting project, ?will you finish it in time for the presentations???CHOL:):)

    Have you a winner in mind? 

    Sorry about the washing line, amazing how we manage to keep things going, youngsters always seem to want replacement ,this or that.

    Thanks again for all your quotes,I do get concerned when you are delayed CHOL:):)

    Take care..


  • Sorry LINDY to hear you have family problems I do have sympathy because as you know I have issues with my brother.
  • It's my OHs family, Dibnlib, and as we've been married for about two hundred years (it feels!) I'm very intertwined in all that goes on. Money is involved which suddenly gives everything a new twist - and makes it more emotional. Ugh.

    Went off to collect my parcel which turned out to be much larger than I had expected (it included a glass cake stand destined for our Youngest & Wife) and the girl in the shop kindly decanted it all from its large box and into my carrier bag which I struggled back to the car with. Should have had it delivered! Very pleased with the contents which included pretty dresses for my granddaughters.

  • Morning all:  What is CHOL in Sunny Kate's post (clueless here)?

    Lindybird. That black and pink peony is stunning!  So sorry about family  problems, especially as money is involved, which can get very difficult.  :-( Good luck in not taking sides.  Glad you made it back to the car with all those packages.

    AQ;  I remember several times when my poor mother would hang our washing on the garden clothes line only to have the line give at one end and all the washing ended up in the mud.   We had no washing machine; did the big stuff in the bathtub.  

  •    Found this pic of Benson which was taken a few years ago.  He loves playing with these rings in the garden.

  • Just to say thank you for all your news. I'm so sorry for lack of replies. I've one or two family worries, my children etc. Not been sleeping, the usual stuff ! I'm sure that we all have these worries, I'm just not as clever at dealing with them as I would like to be ! Anyway, onwards and upwards...