Telyn & Idris are raising 2 healthy osplets, #1 & #3, following the accidental suffocation of #2.
Update - end July
Almost synchronised ruffle:
Birdies LG DU update.
Mike B said:MC. The post is on the Observation Board......below the live stream picture.
Yes, Mike, that's where I got it from - I just couldn't remember the name "Observation". I'm further along the senility road than you are, despite being 30 years younger
Richard B
Mike B said:I rang them this morning
Aww, thanks, MIKE - I kept asking you to do that, in my head, but didn't dare burden you yet again.
I'll believe they're improving the site when they mend the quote, but I bet nobody's even looking at it.
Telyn has just brought a black bin liner to the nest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Copyright MWT/DOP
Oh my goodness, whatever next. The team will remove it at ringing - if it is still there
Apparently the Dyfi LS is being plagued by trolls, and they have a pinned post on chat, saying
08:29 DyfiOspreyProject
***We're trialling 'slow-mode' to stop Bots and Trolls ambushing the Chat. It just means you have to wait 30 seconds between posts.***
I tend to comment rather than chat, so I probably wouldn't have noticed LOL!
Dyfi Wildlife Centre FB posted an interesting (non osprey, but possibly related) - item of a rare sighting, here. (Long-eared owl at Cors Dyfi - was it one of his parents that we saw earlier on in the season mobbing Telyn? This elusive species is extremely rare in Wales.)
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018