Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 May 2021


I hope everyone has a joyful, serene week! Stay safe, friends.

  • ANNETTE You remembered correctly but the letting agency have postponed the viewing until Friday.
    LYNETTE - I hope that your daughter succeeds with her maths exam. I hated the subject with a passion !
    Another miserable day here, wet and cold. Goodness knows when the Lady Gardeners will be able to start.
  • DIANE - There was a news snippet on BBC WS last night, about the cicadas, with a recording of the three different sounds. I see what you meant about the noise ! What a cacophony....
  • Love the quotes, AQ.

    Heather, I hate maths...

    I forgot to write earlier, as we slept in late, then rushed to get out as it was briefly sunny. However, as we got ready to leave, hoping for an outdoor coffee somewhere, the heavens opened! So we had one before we left. Then when we got to our favourite garden centre, they were doing outdoor/ indoor type coffees under cover -- grr!

    Bought an osteospermum for the garden, & a fancy type of duster on a stick.
  • Lynette, I think the flowers were those pink thrift thingys.
  • AQ I don't mind the rain too much either, after all you don't shrink which is just as well as I am only 5' 2''.
  • Just abrief call-in to let you know we have survived! There are still some items - but only three - to be put right and of course the worktops to come when they have finished cuting, grinding and polishing as appropriate - includes upstands so will take a while. We are also ordering new carpet (flotex as before) and of course any photos (I have seen you ask) will have to wait until E_E has "decorated" - since my wetroom has waited eighteen months since the new floor was done, that could be quite some time.

    We are pleased with the extra storage and have been busy filling cupboards and drawers - then trying to find where we have put things. The finish is not as dark as I expected, but over all we are happy with the new look, and the dark worktops will tone down the brightness.

    E-E is gardening this afternoon - I suddenly remembered he hadn't sowed the runner beans. I think the weather will be more to their liking than when they should really have gone in. Added a pair of Red Poll to the garden bird list yesterday - nice to see them again. I suddenly felt quite well yesterday - because I was involved in the unpacking of the kitchen and making decisions - gave me a sense of purpose.
  • Benson looks like he is about to take off when we get windy days. How I love his ears.
  • LINDY Sorry to hear about OHs toothache. Earache and toothache have to be the worst pains ever.
  • Met up with my friend from Fochabers today. We had a catch up over coffee at Brodie. The last time was December of course.
  • Morning all:

    AQ:  I kept reading your post as "Law man came when I was finishing breakfast...."   Great sayings, especially Gertrude's.

    Lindybird:  Osteospermum are pretty.  I love the Spider Pink ones with those unusual petals. I was wondering about the name, coz it sounds like it ought to be associated with osteoarthritis or something.  Googled it and apparently osteo is Greek (bone) and spermum is Latin (seeds) and combined they refer to the hardiness of said seeds.   Too bad about the missed coffee opportunity - you'll know next time.

    Heather:  Will your daughter have competition for the new house?

    OG:  Wow; fast work.  Hope the rest of it goes smoothly. Maybe you can maintain that sense of purpose by remodeling another part of the house.  :-))   We've now got our orange and black Orioles back for the summer for their daily dip in the fountain.  Any news on your new vehicle?

    Had hair cut last week but the woman seemed very distracted and was chatting nonstop and not really paying attention.  She's having to tidy it up today.  May Gray has settled in; lovely for garden and indoor stuff (sorting through files and discarding old records) but horrible for the roses, which stay damp and get mildew, etc....