• Pleased to see that hatch didn't take as long as predicted!
    Marvellous news!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Welcome little Bob number one. for what it is worth, here is my contribution.

    Sorry can't  resize, since last updates, lots I can no longer do!!

    c SWT/Lotl

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Thank you, Catlady Thumbsup

    23:05 So looking forward to seeing bob #1 in the morning. Time for me to get some 'shut-eye' like NC0. Goodnight all


  • Lynn L said:
    here is my contribution.

    Lovely snaps, CATLADY Heart eyes

    Bob#1-to-be is still keeping its bottie warm and dry:

  • I do hope that the little one is not stuck in the shell. Need to deal with Glaslyn hatch but I'll be back.
  • I'm just not sure what's going on but the little one is not yet completely out of the shell and it does look as tho something's preventing the shell from coming off.

    So far:

  • NC0 is knackered, if I may be so indelicate:

  • This creepy-crawly had just crawled onto NC0's feathers it then spent at least half an hour weaving in and out:

    02:12 still in shell - I do wish that Osprey mamas were more proactive in these circs:

  • Lots of buffering going on, reverted to daycam till I noticed and reset it Angry

  • scylla said:

    Lots of buffering going on, reverted to daycam till I noticed and reset it

    It's been buffering>daycam the whole time since I posted that but it may have just settled.  We won't know until someone comes on duty and gives us a signal ;)

    NC0 is sleeping for now.