• Unknown said:
    NCO still calling loudly amongst the sheep bleating, and it looks like Laddie is on the left hand tree.

    Thanks Richard. I'd love to know how high on the decibel scale NC0's 'voice' is recorded at! lol

    22:22 NC0 is still incubating but now quiet. Laddie didn't make an appearance 


  • FISH !!! !!! !!!

    New setup to help with hatch times - on one of 2 duff laptops, fingers crossed:

  • Gosh JANE, you're up early to catch me out - I was in such a flap, I'd only just finished setting it up while NC0 was screeching and panicking me to get it done in time.

    At about 00:15 someone must have hit a preset button and we got a couple of seconds of this rather wonderful view:

    Whether it upset NC0, I don't know, but she had to have a vigorous flap thereafter:

    Then around 02:00 she got up for a very vigorous drying-off flap (it seemed), this was a wing-stretch in the midst of it:

    Adding in a few bars of a distant Cuckoo - it's been repeating since, every now 'n then:

  • 7:12 Cam is offline?

    :Many thanks Scylla for the overnight/early morning captures and videos.

  • Nothing wrong with my picture, no break in stream

    Richard B

  • Thanks Richard, there's something wrong at my end. I did computer updates last night and the screen is now showing that I can't view due to the video being restricted!
  • I've got the cam back now - phew!



  • Sandra P said:
    I've got the cam back now - phew!

    Very phew! indeed Astonished Astonished Astonished

    We'd be lost without you-hoo Hugging

  • Awww, thanks Scylla! Smiley

    I'm off to work shortly but will catch up during my lunch break. BFN