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  • Laddie to the nest just before 10:15 to take over incubation


  • 10:32 Laddie alarm calling/chipping

    He's still unsettled at 10:39 - more chipping


  • After a long chipping session Laddie has stopped but he's still looking up.
  • A minute or two prior to Laddie's initial intruder alarm calls, NC0 (I assume) took a short flight from the birch and swooped at a duck? that was swimming on the Loch before she headed back up to a branch. There was a goose sounding off at the time

    NC0, top


  • 10:53 NC0 returned

    Just before Laddie's departure




  • I'm recovering from a very major Windows crash, I expect a lot of downloads are inaccessible. Am going to take a break.
  • Sorry to hear that, Scylla. Hopefully things will recover for you.

    Nothing, as far as I can see through scrolling through has happened on the nest, NC0 has remained incubating that is up until around 16:20 when she went for a very quick fly about

    16:23 Laddie delivered a headless fish

    NC0 carried it off in her beak and made her way to the birch

    16:33 While incubating, Laddie chipped a few times but soon settled down. No intruder seen


  • 16:40 NC0 returned without her fish but with dark nesting material, she made contact calls


  • All looks good SANDRA
  • It does, Patily. Back on track thankfully!
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