The moon turns full at:
4:31 a.m. on Tuesday, 27 April in the U.K.8:31 p.m. on Monday, 26 April in California1:01 p.m. on Tuesday, 27 April in Adelaide, Australia10:31 p.m. on Monday, 26 April in Iowa (for bjane).
This "supermoon" will be closer to Earth than any of the other full moons this year, except for the May moon (which will be only 98 miles closer). So, this one should be beautiful!
I hope you all have a wonderful, safe week.
My Amaryliss collapsed, by the way, as the weight of the flowers were too much for the stem. I had put a stick support in but it wasn't big enough. Now another bulb has sent up a bud, which began to open last night.
Edit: Note that there are two more buds on the same stem :-)
PatO: Re your sister, is there not a phone number posted for people to call and report "Handicap Parking Fraud" (which is the legal terminology here).
Lindybird: Any chance Sue can check out the local shelters, etc., for a dog to replace Boris? She really seemed to enjoy the company. What a pain in the derriere it all turned out to be. Sigh.
CLARE – I thought you would appreciate the idiocy!
LINDA – Incidentally, where do you park your camel?
ANNETTE - Outrage was the reaction. Some of units are actually designed for wheelchair access. I don’t mind spaces reserved for disabled parkers but I object to spaces left close to the entrance marked for those doing quick pickups. Darn it, they are probably young & fit and in a rush to cram more in their day.
PAT – “Those” people probably complain about wheelchairs taking up too much space in shops & expect your sister to remain out of sight.
Just a thought
If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. (Dalai Lama)