Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 18 April 2021


I hope everyone has a joyful, safe week! Be sure to check back to last week's thread to see Lindy's photos and other posts!

  • Clare, I don't often use this thread BUT seeing you on there and Mull I had to respond. Mull is great and Lynn and I had a great time there a few years back. We used a great couple called Pam and Arthur Brown but sadly they have now stopped doing their guided tours which were superb.
    Arthur still does a Blog which I'm sure you would enjoy.
    www.self-catering-mull.co.uk/Arthurs Blog page self catering Oct19.html
    They both have a wealth of knowledge and live locally. I believe they even visit the Bellachroy Pub! A fine establishment! www.thebellachroy.co.uk/
    I hope you have a fabulous time.
  • Clare - You will love it! Ive only been once and long to go back. If you can try and get to Iona - its a ferry ride but well worth it! Hope you get to see the Sea Eagles!

  • Pat O said:
    Oops - think I've used what the site thinks is a rude word ...


  • HA_HA,  LINDA!

    Two updates to end my time at the computer.

    1. I have at last met the young lady next door and the Labradoodle called Jeff. He is a pleasant dog - soft hair and wanting to be friendly. I don't know how much he might change as he continues to grow up, but he looks more doodle than lab!

    2. The Anemones did appear under the Bircht tree - three blue and three yellow. They are beautiful and covered in current bllom and more buds.

  • An absolutely gloriously sunny day, here - the birds are ecstatic! We have at least 8 or 9 Magpies around our garden, and there has not been a time when at least four of them have been chasing each other around! Sadly, I suppose that means in the long run that there might be lots more Little Magpies and the population will increase. We originally only had two.

    I went into the town, and staggered to Boots chemists for our prescriptions, having been unable to park near the door. Of course, once I came out of the shop, there were two empty car spaces right outside. Went to buy papers and milk, and was greeted by the shop manager very cheerfully, which made me remark to him how the bright weather had cheered everyone up.

    OG: Fingers will be crossed for you in May that everything goes well with the kitchen. Its the kind of trauma you just have to get through to enjoy the end result. I remember when we came here, I washed up in the bath (in a bowl of course). The microwave and some prepared bought meals were a godsend. I think we had to manage for about ten days altogether before we had both sink, stove and fridge installed. All vital.

    The Isle of Mull always sounds blissful, although we have been to Skye and loved it there. We were staying at Mallaig, which had a view of both Egg and Rhum which are tiny islands and I longed to get on a boat to see them, but we did not have time.
  • Snap!

    I haven't been to any islands - except over the bridge to Skye! I am not at all adventurous.
  • I have worked very hard over the years when I have visited Skye NEVER to have even seen the bridge! It takes a bit of ingenuity and some pretty hairy driving - but it is possible! The first time I went - I hate to think how many years ago!! - there was no bridge, just an ancient ferry, and that's how I want to remember it! I have never seen the bridge ... and I intend to keep it that way!
  • I've never seen the bridge either -- we went on the ferry, and enjoyed it!

    edit   --  it was before the bridge was built.

  • Egg and rhum? Sounds like the ingredients for that Christmas drink, although I see that it's Eig and Rum which, incidentally, are close to Muck. I mean really, what were people thinking/drinking when they named those islands? :-) I saw the Bellachroy Puib on my Google tour of Dervaig; looks like a nice base from their website but no dining service at this point....