Return Dates for Louis last year was 5th April 08.15 and Aila 6th of April 09.24

The happy couple last year - lets hope its not too long until we see them safely return from migration. 

LINK TO MARCH 2021 THREAD - where all links are to previous threads and history. 

  • Unknown said:
    Hi Geemeff, can I ask please, are you a member of the Loch Arkaig group? If so I don’t recognise you from there. As the Loch Arkaig group is a private group we prefer that posts don’t get shared without the posters permission. In this case, for the information I shared to the group about FS2, I had to obtain permission from Tweed Valley to actually share it to the group. There is a post in the group that asks that posts aren’t shared without permission, perhaps you’ve not seen it in the Announcements section? Hopefully you’ll see where I’m coming from. If you’re not a member of the group, you’re welcome to join. Thanks, Mary

    Mary, if Geemeff is not a member of the group but is aware of the information that means you have a mole. Will I see if George Smiley can come out of retirement (yet again) to investigate? Ian

  • Ian, absolutely SpyJoy Does he do mates rates? 

  • Mary C wrote the following post at 16 Jul 2021 1:53 PM:Hi Geemeff, can I ask please, are you a member of the Loch Arkaig group? Loch Arkaig group is a private group we prefer that posts don’t get shared without the posters permission. 

    This was posted on another forum and I thought it interestiing so reposted. Didn't know it was secret, sorry.

  • They're back! Blue 152 and YP popped in for a visit this morning

  • Geemeff said:

    Mary C wrote the following post at 16 Jul 2021 1:53 PM:Hi Geemeff, can I ask please, are you a member of the Loch Arkaig group? Loch Arkaig group is a private group we prefer that posts don’t get shared without the posters permission. 


    This was posted on another forum and I thought it interestiing so reposted. Didn't know it was secret, sorry.



    Hi Geemeff

    Hmmmm I am on most Osprey groups and haven’t seen Liz’s posts and videos on any of them, and I know Liz was not asked if her posts could be completely copied and pasted elsewhere, it is great when there is such positive news to share but it is only common courtesy to ask permission to share that persons words,photos and videos especially from a closed group, and by that I don’t mean only FOLA group, I mean any closed group which the majority of them are, of course that is only my opinion which I am entitled to.  Grinning 

    I apologise if I sound harsh but it is a bugbear of mine as I have actually had work lifted from my website and placed on Facebook as if the person had created it themselves. 

  • MaryGK said:

    Geemeff said:

    Mary C wrote the following post at 16 Jul 2021 1:53 PM:Hi Geemeff, can I ask please, are you a member of the Loch Arkaig group? Loch Arkaig group is a private group we prefer that posts don’t get shared without the posters permission. 


    This was posted on another forum and I thought it interestiing so reposted. Didn't know it was secret, sorry.



    Hi Geemeff

    Hmmmm I am on most Osprey groups and haven’t seen Liz’s posts and videos on any of them, and I know Liz was not asked if her posts could be completely copied and pasted elsewhere, it is great when there is such positive news to share but it is only common courtesy to ask permission to share that persons words,photos and videos especially from a closed group, and by that I don’t mean only FOLA group, I mean any closed group which the majority of them are, of course that is only my opinion which I am entitled to.    

    I apologise if I sound harsh but it is a bugbear of mine as I have actually had work lifted from my website and placed on Facebook as if the person had created it themselves. 

    Wow, anyone else want to wade in? I didn't steal anyone's work, I merely reposted something seen on an open forum. But don't worry, it won't happen again. Perhaps FOLA might wish to remind its members not to post elsewhere without permission. 

    I am now taking myself off to enjoy this lovely sunny day - hope you all have a good day too.

  • Seems like a storm in a teacup to me Geemeff but I don't do social media so I don't know what the protocols are. Ian
  • MaryGK said:
    I have actually had work lifted from my website and placed on Facebook as if the person had created it themselves. 

    That's terrible Persevere

    I'm hoping that one day I'll write something that someone deems worth spreading about, and as long as they said "Scylla said elsewhere...", and as long as it wasn't sensitive info or something personally embarrassing, I'd be very flattered Grin

  • Ian S said:
    Seems like a storm in a teacup to me Geemeff but I don't do social media so I don't know what the protocols are. Ian

    Storm in an eggcup LOL! Hatching chick