GLASLYN OSPREYS - APRIL 2021 to end of FEB 2022

March thread.

This post updated 01 June

MrsG returned on the 25th of March and was joined by Aran on the 29th.

 (The beginning of the reunion video is a must-see for all fans of MrsG - I'm posting it today 01 June, to remind us of a happy time before the tragedies of May 2021.)

The month of May brought unrelenting wind, rain and corvids, as well as persistent intruder KS8 (among others) - and Aran somehow injured his right wing, rendering him unable to fish.  Within a few days all the chicks had sickened and died.  It could hardly have been more stressful for MrsG and Aran, but they are recovering together while the caring Glaslyn team is supplying fish each night.

(The chicks' bodies have been removed from the nest by Aran and MrsG, so we shall never know the cause of their deaths.)

In the right margin of this page are links to Glaslyn's posts documenting the misfortunes on the nest.


All pictures and videos in this thread are (link to website)

©Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife



  • Ah yes, the 4-bird snap I posted with arrows was from much earlier and didn't ever focus, the one I lost was the same as yours, MIKE, and as you've done the snap here's the vid + extras:


  • Latest, that I can see, from Heather
    09:49 Heather Corfield  Pretty sure it was a Buzzard, there are a lot of them around at the moment, feeding on the fertilised fields. Not seen Aran this morning as yet, didn't see him until 10.46 yesterday though.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • 11:42   Heather Corfield  There is Aran.

     © Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • I was just going to post a snap - it would only be the same.  Thank you SHEILA Blush

    I'm packing up now, SYAL.


  • Aran flew off @ 12:29 and that (according to me) was the last time he was seen on-cam:

    Couldn't resist - one single Mistle Thrush was back for a couple of minutes at teatime:

    Oh blimey, then it came back again - a nice close-up on the perch.  I've added a note re the grating call, which some of us were not familiar with:

    I found the info re "grating alarm call" @, which seems a very nice, well-written website (for those with interest in or access to Arran) and "Jim Cassels" has a Twitter a/c too.

    No-one else found on-cam for the rest of the evening/night so far.

    Look at the time Dizzy face   I made the big mistake of playing the BBC4 airing of Witness for the Prosecution, which I went to see with my Mum when I was 14/15 - what a treat it still is, but it's paused under a screen-saver because I now realise it's not a wallpaper TV show to keep me company while I "work", it demands and deserves and compels full attention - I've been rewinding/rewatching missed bits over and over, it will have to wait.

    I imagine that MIKE might remember it - fondly or not.  Anyone else?

    BTW, even back then they had to cater for the big audience across the Pond - as well as Tyrone Power, they had the rich, elderly, posh British victim say that she often went to the "movies" - she actually would have gone to the "pictures".


  • 02 September

    Aran was spotted on his usual distant perch @ 07:35 this morning, he flew @ 07:50:

    The second one chased off the first:

    That's up to 09:37.


  • I've just been back to find Aran, and the beautiful mistle thrush, so you have beaten me to it Scylla!!  Lots of mooing going on.

    11:23 Heather Corfield  ​Aran is eating a fish on the A498 tree. We have a second Osprey closer to the Visitor Centre. Looks to be a male and it has a blue ring on the right leg. We are trying to read it at the moment.

    It must be a Welsh or English bird.

    I have recorded the Agatha Christie play, so clearly have a treat to look forward to.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • 12:01 Heather Corfield  Aran is still on the A498 tree.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • I thought as much!  Not re what's been reported, but re the reporter - thank you, SHEILA Heart eyes


  • Thanks so much Sheila and Scylla. The videos are so uplifting Scylla, just lovely, and great captures.