GLASLYN OSPREYS - APRIL 2021 to end of FEB 2022

March thread.

This post updated 01 June

MrsG returned on the 25th of March and was joined by Aran on the 29th.

 (The beginning of the reunion video is a must-see for all fans of MrsG - I'm posting it today 01 June, to remind us of a happy time before the tragedies of May 2021.)

The month of May brought unrelenting wind, rain and corvids, as well as persistent intruder KS8 (among others) - and Aran somehow injured his right wing, rendering him unable to fish.  Within a few days all the chicks had sickened and died.  It could hardly have been more stressful for MrsG and Aran, but they are recovering together while the caring Glaslyn team is supplying fish each night.

(The chicks' bodies have been removed from the nest by Aran and MrsG, so we shall never know the cause of their deaths.)

In the right margin of this page are links to Glaslyn's posts documenting the misfortunes on the nest.


All pictures and videos in this thread are (link to website)

©Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife


  • Scylla, Chat said he dropped what was left of his fish. Obviously Mrs G had her own so it was no longer needed!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • How wonderful that Aran is seen regularly with a fish.  Clearly his wing isn't causing him problems, but a long migration is perhaps a different kettle of fish.

    Mrs G and Aran are on the dead tree back by the stone wall.

    It wasn't obvious to me at first

    Two tails, and two heads!

    © Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • From chat:

         12:01 Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife   KS7 landed on the nest!

    Intruder calls were noted at 11.58

    He and his sister (both Clywedog) KS8(18)f have been frequent visitors at Welsh nests this season.

    Edit:  from Chat

    15:23   BGGW VC    KS7 landed on the nest at 11.58.    Unfortunately the cameras were pointing at the sky as he briefly landed on the nest, luckily our static camera on the nest captured his ring number.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • ca 12.24  Aran lands on the nest to defend.  He intruder 'chips' beautifully, and flew off ca 12.28.  The cam then moved to the dead tree where he was preening before flying away, towards the nest to the left, ca 13.20.

    He returned to the dead tree 13.32

    Landing to defend, with his damaged wing showing clearly

    He flew off, and was seen on the tree

    after which he flew again, but has since returned, alone I think

    ©Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • 15.47  Aran is sitting, preening, on a different perch.

    Glaslyn commented earlier

    15:35 BGGW VC  This is a perch they have used in the past, but first time we have seen an osprey there this season.

    His injured wing appears to be dangling, or is he losing the feather

    © Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife

    Edit.  Comment from Glaslyn over concern about the wing.

    16:04  BGGW VC   It is probably the angle we are seeing him at. We have not seen him from the back as usually it is from the side or front.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • Thank  you for all your reporting and snaps, SHEILA Hugging

    Aran joined MrsG early in the morning, she was breakfasting on last night's whopper:

    Breakfish time interrupted, MrsG couldn't be bovvered to finish the fish, she let it go for the foxes Fox Fox Fox

    SheilaFE said:
    15:35 BGGW VC  This is a perch they have used in the past, but first time we have seen an osprey there this season.

    Aran flew in from there, MrsG joined him on the perch from the nest and obviously someone unwelcome was around - then Aran suddenly made a mating attempt! Blush

    No MrsG on the perch tonight.

  • scylla said:
    Aran suddenly made a mating attempt!

    Excellent news! Definitely getting his mojo back then

  • Super super videos Scylla. Thanks so much. I am so heartened by the obvious bonding between the two. My aching heart is healing properly now.
  • Terrific captures girls - Sandra, Catlady amd Scylla on page 60 - just terrific. Thank you all
  • Thanks for the updates, Scylla.  Fascinating that Mrs G stayed on the perch with last night's fish.

    There has been a lot of excitement  over the past couple of hours.  Taken from Chat

    10:10     Gail Edgley           hope Aran turns up with a fish next to her (Aran was around for half an hour or so from about 7:40)

    11:11     Gail Edgley           Chipping can be heard - intruders!


    11:12     Gail Edgley           + Mrs G mantling / flapping on perch


    11:12     Gail Edgley           sounds like Aran

    11.14      Gail Edgley           oooh 3 in the air one likely is Aran

    11:23     Gail Edgley           whatever's unfolding, the formidable Mrs G's joined in too now!

    11:24     Gail Edgley           can still hear Aran - wonder if he's on that dead tree recently found?

    11:31     Helen Morris         Looked very much like him/Aran but I thought it was ringed

                    Marina                It had Aran's head markings

    11:32     BGGW VC            The bird on monkey puzzle was ringed, but we have not been able to read it yet.

    11:40     Gail Edgley           just did a freeze frame - both intruders had blue rings right leg from what I could see

    11:41     Gail Edgley           the one flying over + the other one in the tree I mean

                                               wonder if they are KS7 + KS8, given KS7 was on the nest yesterday 


    11:44     BGGW VC            Both intruders were ringed on the right leg, possibly 019 on the tree.  It is a three digit ring, the other intruder may only                                         have a two digit ring.  014 and Z2 were both on the Pont Croesor nest at the time.

    11:46     BGGW VC            The Aran lookalike is unringed.

    11:50     Gail Edgley           I was going to remark that the bird perching on the tree looked female to me and the one flying past close to the point that                                       the one in the tree flapped it away, looked male by its behaviour!

    Currently - 12.01     A very cheerful bird singing close to the mic - wren possibly.


    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018