Hallo all.  Look back at Saturday for some lovely flower pix from Lindybird and more!

  • OG & PAT - The dachsies looked so cute in their tiny "police vests". No dog was actually attached to a drone; just filmed close by on the ground, leaving it to our imagination. . . until the explanation!.

    Hot & dry here. 33 C today, similar tomorrow. Great for those camping & at the beach. Not for me.

  • Just back from collecting Benson from the groomer. You wouldn't recognise him as the same dog!
  • So, now it’s Friday! On Wednesday I wanted to thanks you all for the Birthday greetings, but I got involved in various things at home; I was going to try again on Thursday, but happened upon the “First Day of the Month Gremlin” and gave up. Spring weather has been amazing here, so OH has scarified the front lawns, and will be sowing seeds in the cold frame when he gets back from shopping. Temperature was zero when we got up this morning, but the sun has warmed it considerably. Yes – I got up quite willingly in the early morning today and we all ate Hot Cross Buns together for breakfast!

    Excuse me, anyone who I leave out of replies.

    ANNETTE – I am sure that is a cherry tree with all that pink blossom – there are so many different Cherries indigenous to various countries. I love to see photos of the revered cherry blossom in Japan. A few years ago, Grandson#2 managed to have a business appointment in Japan during the Cherry Blossom Festival.

    LINDA - Enjoyed Magnolia etc. Could those wee blue flowers be Scilla? Those Fritillaries are gorgeous – ours are in pots and we divided them last Autumn so they are only just beginning to open.

    DIANE – good to see that you got an appointment for vaccination.

    AQ – some good April 1st thoughts. It’s getting cooler each day now – but it is April so an ice cream van is chiming outside!

    PAT – good to see you had a couple of good trips out.

    DIBNLIB – I hope Benson has a nice warm jacket for Arctic April!
  • It turned beautifully sunny here, in the end: my OH came with me to the local clinic in case I threw a wobbler after my jab, but I am OK. Afterwards we picked up milk from a shop & I bought flowers for Sue, who said come & sit in her small garden. We all sat in the sun & eventually had to discard our coats! A nice cuppa and a slice of cherry cake completed my happiness.

    She & her new dog Boris are now inseparable  and he thinks he is a human and therefore entitled to sit on a chair, LOL!

    Here he is smiling in the sunshine:

  • OG - I think you could be right and they are scilla flowers. Very pretty and quite a bright blue.
  • LINDY Boris is lovely

    OG Benson may wear his coat next week as we have him cut really short and the temps next week are quite wintery again.
  • LINDA - Boris is lovely - and just the right size!
  • Lindybird - how lovely is Boris.   Glad you had a pleasant afternoon with your friend Sue and that the jab went well.

    OG - glad to hear all seems well with you all and that you have been having some lovely spring weather, nothing like it to lift the spirits.

    Had a lovely 2 days down here but it has now gone back to cloudy and chillier and supposed to be getting chillier for Easter Mondy - nothing new there its a Bank Holiday.

    Hope you all have a lovely Easter and can meet up with family where possible and just enjoy being together.


  • Very quiet in our street; most neighbours are away for Easter. They left their bins out for collection & departed. OH has been taking bins from the kerb. Hot; we have passed the max, now 34 C

  • If you steal from one author it's plagiarism; if you steal from many it's research. [Wilson Mizner]

    The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources. [Albert Einstein]

    In the past ideas came from the brain, now they come from Google.