Hallo all.  Look back at Saturday for some lovely flower pix from Lindybird and more!

  • Love that, Dibnlib! Thanks so much.

    I've spent most of today trying to get on here.....what's that about?
  • Lindybird:  Couldn't get on last night due to slowness but it is the first of the month....

    Just Googled April Fools Day origins and got an extremely naughty image (Russian hackers? Or teenage boys?)

  • Fritillaries are gorgeous this year, really tall plants.

  • Close up. 

    You can see here why they're called "snakes head"

  • I often buy a card a whole year before a person's birthday, just because it seems appropriate. You do have to find it and remember to send it, though!

    Glad to say that I slept like a log last night, partly because I had a glass of red (watered down with some lemonade) and partly because in spite of having about 4 mini naps throughout the day, I was still shattered.

    MY OH has been out to buy some tomato plants for this year, and has put them in his greenhouse already. Now I can hear Bonnie barking as she is helping him to mow the lawn.

    Lots of amusing jokes about April1st today, including one of a picture of M. Markle & Prince Harry, being married in their back garden, with the Archbishop dressed as Elvis!!!! LOL!! Also a film clip of some penguins who seem to have learnt how to fly!
  • LINDA – Thanks for sharing your garden. Those tiny blue flowers along the path – are they bulbs? They could be “spring stars” (Ipheion). They are “super hardy” & “naturalise easily” which means they are taking over my garden!

    Announcement yesterday that the police had trained “sausage dogs” & showed them assisting police to search in small spaces. They could also be attached to a drone to be dropped in backyards. It was an April Fools joke, endorsed by our police chief. Nice to know he still has a sense of humour despite his last 12 months major role on covid committee.

    Brisbane appears to have contained the covid outbreak and have traced how it spread. Their severe 3-day lockdown ended yesterday. Now some restrictions (masks, reduced numbers, etc).

    OG – Queensland (& Brisbane) spent most of last 12 months with many outbreaks. This one spread from a returned traveller in medi-hotel to doctor to nurse (asymtomatic) to friends & community. Just as our vaccine roll-out was beginning.

  • Just a thought

    There’s nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it’s going to be a butterfly. (R Buckminster Fuller)

  • Good Morning. Dry here, but colder, as forecast. Of course it feels shocking as we've just had a mini heatwave, but perhaps it's just as well as Easter is upon us and people will do silly things.

    AQ - Loved the April Fools joke!

  • Good morning, everyone. Grey and cold here - ?back to winter? There is mention of snow on Monday ... hey ho!

    The weather sort of co-operated for me this week. Went to Nymans with a friend on Wednesday. It was grey and cloudy all day, but mild. Magnolias and daffodils were fantastic, early rhododendrons looked lovely, Warm enough for a picnic lunch. Yesterday was better, when a friend and I were trying to complete the Worth Way but got waylaid by a beautiful church (St Nicholas, Worth) reputed to be one of the oldest churches in the country.- and it was open! We decided to turn round there and walk back to the car, but next time we will park by the church, visit again - and maybe even complete the walk!

    AQ - I was right with the sausage dogs being used by the police - quite a good idea, I thought. But the drones were a step too far for my credibility - a really fun April Fool!!