As the season is almost upon us and this is a useful thread to have, thought I better open it. 


From the above link you can find all the previous threads in the opening post. 

I always associate the beginning of the Osprey Season with one Osprey, so I would like to make this post in Memory of Beatrice (Green 5B), she always kicked off the Osprey season for us as she was the first Osprey to be on the move. This is a wee 2 minute clip of when Roy Dennis goes to Andalucia to search for her. Sadly the weather was against her when she moved too early in 2016.



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  • A nice start and tribute to Beatrice Mary. And here's the link to the blog of her disastrous and fateful last migration

  • Thank you for this thread, MARY - wonderful Beatrice (thanks, Korky, for the blog link too)...

    I also got sidetracked into Roy Dennis's "meeting" with Einion in Senegal Slight smile

  • Thanks for the new thread, Mary. Tragic ending for a wonderful bird and three cheers for Roy Dennis, our UK Osprey conservation hero!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Thanks for the new thread Mary and the lovely capture/video link of Beatrice who, as you say, always set the season off.

    When thinking of Beatrice I always remember when she had started her migration south and stopped over at the Bird Fair when Roy was there.  Just priceless and always brings a smile to my face.

    And another osprey that hailed the start of the season for me was 03(97) aka Mr Rutland as he was usually the first back on or around the 17 March.      Of course that date now has well and truly been beaten by Maya and his son - Blue 33(11).

    Mr Rutland   ........  Copyright "LRWT- John Wright"

    Such wonderful memories

  • Does anyone know if the webcam is going to be up and running at LG this season?
  • Karen W said:
    Does anyone know if the webcam is going to be up and running at LG this season?

    We haven't seen anything from LG, as far as I know, Karen - I wrote to Peter-Carnyx some weeks ago but haven't heard back Disappointed relieved  His website is still saying it'll be back soon.

  • Thanks Scylla.    We can only but hope.  

  • Karen W said:

    And another osprey that hailed the start of the season for me was 03(97) aka Mr Rutland as he was usually the first back on or around the 17 March.     

    Such wonderful memories


    My most poignant memory of 03 was when he returned on 17th March 2013 to a snow storm and they posted a blog with a video of him perched in the snow storm.  I have looked for that video but sadly it is lost to the old Ospreys.org which Rutland no longer allow links to.  

    I found these posts from the forum at the time.

    Such a shame that we cannot see that video again. 

    One thing you may be interested in Karen - thanks to Alan Petrie there was a post in 2012 (I don't think you were on the forum then) that lists all the return dates to Rutland back to 2002, no locations for which nests these dates were for, but some historical information for your records. 

  • MARY - Oh thanks for yet another wonderful memory! Also for digging out the info - appreciated.

    Yes, I remember 03 returning and him being spotted sitting in the snow storm from the VC. If I recall correctly the VC opened that day and there he was! Yes terrible weather.

    But how right you were and I quote from your post "He sure will go down in history, such an important Rutland osprey" But none of us realised just how important he would turn out to be! And yes, such a shame we cannot view the video.

    I was around in 2012 - I've been here since 2008 and becoming part of the furniture LOL But I was off line for a couple of years - 2010/11 however I cannot recall having seen Alan's post so I thank you for posting these Rutland return dates.
  • What can I say to all this knowledge ! ............. thank you, it's more than my memory serves
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